In detail from today’s data on Covid-19 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the 25 deaths refer to: a 100-year-old woman from Cividale del Friuli who died in a center for the elderly; a 97-year-old woman from Majano who died in the hospital; a 97-year-old woman from Udine who died in hospital; a 96-year-old man from San Vito al Tagliamento who died in hospital; a 95-year-old woman from Trieste who died in a center for the elderly; a 94-year-old man from Gorizia who died in a center for the elderly; a 93-year-old woman from Trieste who died in a center for the elderly; a 91-year-old man from Tarcento who died in a nursing home; a 91-year-old man from Pasian di Prato who died in a center for the elderly; a 91-year-old man from Udine who died in a center for the elderly; a 90-year-old woman from Moggio Udinese who died in a center for the elderly; an 89-year-old man from Casarsa della Delizia who died in hospital; an 89-year-old man from Nimis who died in a nursing home; an 88-year-old man from Casarsa della Delizia who died in hospital; an 84-year-old man from Cividale del Friuli who died in a center for the elderly; an 83-year-old man from Manzano who died in hospital; an 80-year-old man from Enemonzo who died in hospital; a 79-year-old man from Tarcento who died in a nursing home; a 77-year-old woman from Tarcento who died in a nursing home; a 75-year-old man from Manzano who died in hospital; a 73-year-old woman from Pordenone who died in hospital; a 72-year-old man from Monrupino who died in hospital; a 72-year-old man from Cormons who died in his home; a 68-year-old man from Tarcento who died in a nursing home and a 55-year-old man from Tavagnacco who died in hospital. This was announced by the Deputy Governor responsible for Health of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Riccardo Riccardi.
Residences for the elderly
Regarding the new positivity to the virus, in the sector of nursing homes, 111 cases of people housed in regional structures have been detected, while the health workers who have been infected within the same structures are in total 41.
Regarding the regional health system (SRH), the positivity for Covid of a doctor, 3 nurses, 4 health social workers, 2 technicians, a specialized care assistant and a rehabilitation therapist must be registered with the health authority of the Friuli Centrale University; 2 doctors, 3 nurses, 3 social-health workers, 2 administrators, a dietician and a laboratory technician at the Friuli Occidentale health company; 4 nurses, 3 doctors and 2 psychologists in the Giuliano Isontina University Healthcare Company and a biologist in Cro di Aviano.
Finally, a person who returned from Bosnia should be positive for the virus.