
the government freeze the Regions: no relaxation of restrictions for Covid before January 15. This is what emerged today from the summit between ministers and governors. In the afternoon, a new meeting with the heads of delegation while the text of the Dpcm should be released on Thursday December 3, last day.
A Christmas Italy will become a single yellow zone with a curfew at 10pm, bars and restaurants closed at 6pm. Confirmed, as it became known, the prohibition of mobility between regions and the only exception to which it refers is that of the elderly. The new restrictions should apply until January 15. If infections drop drastically, we could think of a relaxation of the measures after January 6.
The stop at the ski resorts has also been confirmed: “The theme is not the ski slope, but the social relationships that develop around skiing”, recalled the Minister of Health. Roberto Speranza.

The Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, the extraordinary commissioner for the emergency of Covid Domenico Arcuri and the head of Civil Protection participated in the confrontation between the Government, Regions, Municipalities and Provinces on the new dpcm in videoconference, convened by the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia . Angelo Borrelli. Among the Presidents of the Region are Luca Zaia (Veneto), Stefano Bonaccini (Emilia Romagna), Attilio Fontana (Lombardy), Nino Spirlì (Calabria), Donato Toma (Molise), Giovanni Toti (Liguria) and Donatella Tesei (Umbria) .
