Upon returning to the baccalaureate, everything could be questioned: when the available elements made us think about resuming the lessons in presence not before next January 7 – hypothesis also refuted by the European Comission preparing to ask to extend the Christmas holidays or continue the DDA even after the end of the holidays in early 2021 – the government has reappeared a desire to anticipate the resumption of traditional lessons about ten days before Christmas. The hypothesis is yet to be verified, it is clear, but it has been put on the table. Was presented directly Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who, during a new meeting with the leaders of the majority group, held on December 1, asked for the opinion of those present on a possible resumption of high school scheduled for Monday 14.
Conte’s question
The request came during the meeting about the next new Dpcm: the prime minister, it was explained, did so “to give a signal.
It would be a question of asking the end of distance learning in the yellow areas from the middle of the month.
The president of the Council also would have specified that the hypothesis still has to be submitted to the scrutiny of the Scientific Technical Committee.
From the obvious answer from Cts
The CTS response, however, seems almost obvious, considering that on the same day its coordinator Agostino Miozzo in an intervention to RaiNews 24 he stated: “The CTS has never supported the need to close schools” and that “it is easier for a student to become infected with Covid-19 if he does not attend school and does distance education instead of On the contrary, the risk is very unbalanced and that is why it is better to send the children to the classroom ”.
Even more so now that the Ministry of Education has requested the intervention of the prefects to manage the useful transport and take the students to class.
The reactions of the parties
To the Prime Minister’s proposal to accelerate the return to class of two million and 600 thousand high school students, the leaders of the group would have reacted differently: Italy Long Live He immediately confirmed his favorable position, as claimed by his leader. Matteo renzi for months. However, the Renzians’ agreement is still linked to adequate transportation: “that is the knot,” they said.
Other majority parties, in particular Pd and LeU, instead they would have expressed themselves against, also confirming the line of wait and see of some ministers of their color, beginning with Roberto Speranza in front of the Department of Health.
There is no news, at the moment, of what M5S, but considering what has been expressed in recent days and the favorable position on the subject of Minister Lucía Azzolina, it is very likely that she has given her consent.