“If the opposition votes in favor, the League will separate” – Corriere.it


Turn of Forza Italia in the Month. Silvio Berlusconi explained: “On December 9 we will not support the reform of the ESM in Parliament because we do not believe that the modification of the Stability Mechanism approved by the Eurogroup (launched on Sunday, ed) is satisfactory for Italy and does not even go in the direction proposed by the European Parliament. “According to the president of Forza Italia:” There are two main reasons that concern us. The first: decisions on the use of the fund will be taken by the majority of states. Which means that the money paid by Italy can be used elsewhere, even against Italian will. The second: the fund will have a European form only because the European Parliament will not have supervisory power and the Commission Europe will be called upon to play a purely notarial role. Unfortunately, our proposals for an indispensable ESM reform were ignored and confirmed by the vote of the European Parliament. And this is certainly not a good thing. For these reasons, Forza Italia will not vote in Parliament. in favor of this reform of the ESM. The reform in question has nothing to do with the use of the 37 billion earmarked for the fight against Covid ”.

Meloni: “We will write a history page together”

Satisfaction on the part of Giorgia Meloni, leader of FdI: “Fratelli d’Italia thanks the allies of Forza Italia, and in particular Silvio Berlusconi, for following us on the theme of the Month and for having decided to vote no with us on December 9 in Parliament. It is a battle that the Brothers of Italy promoted from the beginning, that we have always shared with Matteo Salvini and the League and that today we are happy to assume the position of united center-right. On December 9 we will write a page of history to defend national sovereignty from the tie that the Eurosystem would like to tighten around Italy’s neck. ‘

Salvini: “The Month is divided into good and bad”

A few hours before FI’s decision, Matteo Salvini had warned that the League would separate in the event that a member of the opposition voted in favor of the Month. In the center-right in recent months, Forza Italia had taken into account the reform of the MEDE. “Anyone in Parliament who approves of this outrage and damage to Italy and future generations assumes a great responsibility,” Salvini said via Facebook, speaking with journalists on the sidelines of a visit to the archaeological park of Centocelle, in Rome, “if the Most of them do, I’m not surprised. If any member of the opposition does it, they end up being a fellow traveler of the League, because they are putting the future of our children in the hands of some bureaucrat in Brussels for the next 30 years. ” the leader of the Northern League: “The reform of the ESM worsens something that is already negative, divides Europe into good and bad, obviously for the lords of Brussels Italians are second class and they should pay without saying anything to cover the gaps of others “Salvini’s warning came a few days after his proposal to federate the center-right, which left the allies cold.

Tajani had just confirmed: “Yes to the Sanitary Month”

Another problem, however, is health month. Forza Italia, starting with Silvio Berlusconi, had given its willingness to support him (within the government opposed by the M5S), to come to the rescue of the economic crisis derived from the coronavirus emergency, in the ad hoc modality with which it was formulated. in the EU. The reform of the ESM approved by the Eurogroup and the Health ESM are different things and should not be confused. Even today, before and after Salvini’s peremptory warning, the blue parliamentarians had confirmed the need to subscribe to the rescue fund in a health version. A few hours before Berlusconi sanctioned the change of course, Antonio Tajani, vice president of Forza Italia, had said for example One morning on Rai1: «The 37 billion of the Month are free of conditionality and the interests that would be paid are very low, they are much lower than what we pay with government bonds and the money is already available unlike that of the Recovery. That money is essential to face the third wave of coronavirus that should not be underestimated ”. The vice president of the FI group in the Chamber and president of the DC foundation, Gianfranco Rotondi, in a statement to the newspaper Italian business today commented on Berlusconi’s turning point: “I don’t know if the paths of Salvini and Berlusconi are going to separate, I know that if Forza Italia voted against the Month after invoking it, it would exhaust all political functions.”

December 1, 2020 (change December 1, 2020 | 15:39)

