Dpcm Christmas, government hardline: no exemptions on skis and restaurants at Christmas and New Years, restrictions until January 15. Here are all the measurements


It is not removed from the zone system. And since, as it now seems certain, at Christmas Italy will become a single yellow zone: the curfew at 10pm, bars and restaurants will lower the blinds at 6pm, gyms and swimming pools will not reopen, there will be movement between regions and closure. from the ski resorts. Exactly as it already happens in the yellow regions. The government confirms the line of rigor at the summit with the regions, municipalities and provinces for the next Dpcm, effective December 4. To those already listed in addition, special measures will be added, necessary because at Christmas we are at home, such as the prohibition of mobility between regions – the Ministers of Regional Affairs specified. Francesco Boccia and health Roberto Speranza – with possible exceptions only for the elderly.

“After the sacrifices made in recent weeks and also looking at those made by health workers, we are proposing a temporary ban on mobility also for the yellow zones,” said the Minister of Regional Affairs. Francesco Boccia, during a meeting of Confindustria Servizi Hcfs.

“We must avoid movement between regions and maintain the limit of 22 for circulation: these are two central and essential points of the security model that we are building together – added the minister – Let us defend the approach together and avoid exceptions because they could undermine our own plant “.

The only exception, therefore, could be a grandparent exemption: the hypothesis being studied is that of allowing a relative with the closest nucleus to travel in any case to spend the holidays alone with his father or grandfather.

Meanwhile, Ansa reports that in the draft guidelines drawn up by the EU Commission on anti-Covid measures “in order to reduce the risks of transmission in the period after the Christmas season, we invite you to consider extending the Holidays school or resorting to a distance learning period, in order to introduce a buffer period and prevent the spread of infections in school. “


At Christmas, the government says no to the Regions. No exceptions, it’s only about grandparents

by Tommaso Ciriaco and Alessandra Ziniti

The novelty is that the restrictions must apply until January 15. But this will depend on how well we can keep infections under control over the Christmas holidays. In short, time is needed to assess the state of the Regions after January 6 before ordering any loosening. That is why it is necessary “to maintain rigor and prudence so as not to frustrate the first results we are seeing. We must avoid arriving in January in a complicated situation, that is why there will be more restrictions on holidays”, Speranza observed, recalling that at the beginning of the year, after the holidays, the plan for the vaccinations anti-Covid. Then Boccia added: “It is everyone’s duty to avoid the third wave and maintain unity between institutional levels and the loyal collaboration that has characterized the most delicate interventions in recent months.”

Lonely older people, possible exceptions to the travel ban to meet grandparents

by Alessandra Ziniti

On the problem of winter tourism, the government remains firm in not opening ski resorts and opening nightly bars and restaurants requested by the northern regions. On skiing we need “a comparison at the European level. The problem is not skiing but all the aggregations and flows of people,” Speranza explained.

Meanwhile, at 3:00 p.m. there will be a new meeting between the prime minister. Giuseppe Conte and the heads of delegation of the majority forces. The anti-Covid measures to be adopted in the new Dpcm are on the table. The draft decree will be sent tomorrow, Wednesday, December 2, to the Regions for a final evaluation. “Always tomorrow there will be the parliamentary step” and then the dpcm “It will be signed on December 3 to go to the bulletin and cover the ordinances of the Ministry of Health,” Speranza stressed.

“Today we had a fruitful discussion with the Government, also starting from the first considerations that we sent yesterday afternoon. Now we are waiting to evaluate in detail the rules of the next

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Curfew at 10:00 p.m. and restaurants closed at night

the curfew Stays at 10 pm also at Christmas and New Year’s Eve: Christmas Eve dinner is at risk to avoid tables between family members and various trips. Bars and restaurants will close at 6pm, as is the case now also in the yellow regions and as everyone else should be for the holidays.

Early Christmas Masses

With the curfew confirmed at 22:00, there could be an anticipation of Christmas masses, on this the Episcopal Conference has confirmed its availability.

At the table among cohabitants

The debate on the “recommendations” on Christmas dinner and lunch is still open: favor that it be limited to the narrow nucleus of cohabitants or opt for a limit to the number of guests. The number is being discussed, but it could stay the one that currently looks at six people.

Stores open until 9pm

The closing hours of the stores could be moved to 9pm to allow Christmas shopping to be extended, with tickets always free to avoid crowds.

Holidays in the snow

There is no Christmas holiday in the snow. Government intends not to allow the opening of the ski lifts even to clients who spend at least one night in hotels or owners of second homes. Minister Speranza reiterated: the problem is not the plants, but the social situations that would inevitably arise.

Doubts about second homes

Second houses, in fact. Governors pushing to allow transfers to chalets and villas also find an advantage within the government where Prime Minister Conte and a part of the M5S would like to allow families to go to second homes. If you pass the hard line, it will only be possible to do it before December 19, obviously from and to the yellow regions that should be almost all by that date.
