2 minutes, 37 seconds

THE FOCUS NEVER COMES, ALSO ON THE NORTHERN PLAINS, EMILIA IN POLO POSITION– The cold vortex in Liguria is about to form, which will attract cold air in Valpadana, favorable to snowfall at mountainous altitudes, if not sometimes even on the plains in some areas. According to the latest updates, West Emilia is confirmed in pole position, with possible snow on the plains, in particular between Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia and Modena: in particular between Parma and Reggio Emilia it can accumulate up to 5-10 cm, a few centimeters also in the plains of Piacenza and Modenese. Rain or rain mixed with snow instead of Bologna, with episodes of snow more likely in the western districts of the city. At the edge of the Apennines of Emilia and Tuscany, accumulations of more than 30-40 cm in altitude are expected, but already more than 10 cm from the hills. PAY ATTENTION TO THE CIRCULATION.

PIEDMONT – Snow sometimes on the plains also in lower Piedmont, in particular between Cuneo, Asti and Alessandria– therefore scales are possible in Alessandria, Asti and of course Cuneo, with accumulations even beyond 20-30 cm in the Langhe; about 20cm are expected in Cuneo. Rain mixed with snow on the plains is also possible between Turin, Vercelli and Novara; in other places it usually snows between 400 and 500 m of altitude.
LOMBARDY – As for Lombardy, the snow will generally fall from 300 to 500 m, but sometimes up to the plain, especially between Pavia, Lodi, Cremona, Mantua. Rain mixed with snow not excluded even in Milan in the morning, in Brianza, Bergamo and Brescia. A few centimeters possible in the southern plains, especially in the sectors along the Po.
LIGURIA – Rain on the Riviera, but snow inland also down to the bottom of the valley, particularly in Savona and the Western Genoese Apennines, with greater accumulations on the border with the Piedmont Langhe. Dark winds from the north, even strong, with cold weather.
Venetian – Veneto will also be affected by bad weather, with snow generally 200 to 400 m, but sometimes it is not excluded on the plains, especially in the morning. Snow mixed with rain, therefore, is not excluded in cities like Verona, Padua, Treviso, but especially Vicenza, as well as Belluno, obviously.. Predominant rains on the coasts and in the Rovigo area, with at most a few flakes sometimes in the upper Venetian area, with strong bora.
FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – Snow on the hills but sometimes mixed with rain on the plains is also possible in Friuli Venezia Giulia, in particular between morning and afternoon and in the mid-high plains between Pordenone and Udine; rain mixed with snow also in the Gorizia area with local episodes of freezing not excluded in the Karst. Predominant rains on the coasts with strong bora and gusts of up to 100 km / h in Trieste.
ON THE MARGINS OF TRENTINO, ALTO ADIGE AND VALLE D’AOSTA – Trentino Alto Adige and Valle d’Aosta will be on the margins of the cyclonic action, with weaker and intermittent rainfall, generally snowfall between 500-1000m of altitude. Snow at lower altitudes in lower Trentino. There will also be openings, especially in South Tyrol and the upper valley.
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The wave of bad weather will be accompanied by sustained winds that will sweep different areas of our Peninsula. For all the details, see our wind maps.
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How long will bad weather last? All the details in the weather section of Italy.
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