“No to the meetings for the Christmas masses.” This is the invitation contained in the draft guidelines from the European Commission, to be published on Wednesday (morning, ed), Relative to Anti-Covid measures for the holidays. Specifically, the text asks “to consider avoiding religious ceremonies with large gatherings, replacing them with initiatives online, on television or on the radio,” according to sources in Brussels (here the intervention of Father Enzo Fortunato: “The Christmas mass? ? It is not a question of schedules, but of faith “). The draft insists on social distancing and wearing protective masks as measures to contain contagion. Among other measures, then, the Commission advises maintaining the curfew, even for the last of the year, recalling that the cardinal principles to follow are, once again, “prudence” and “precaution.”
“Avoid the mistakes of summer”
In short, we must avoid the mistakes of the summer period, because “the risk is a possible third wave,” the president of the European Commission recalled yesterday. Ursula von der Leyen. “I know that those who have shops, bars, restaurants want the restrictions to end, but you have to learn from the summer without repeating the same mistakes. Too fast and excessive relaxation of the measures becomes a risk for a third wave after Christmas. And today the Ministers of Health, Roberto Speranza, and of Regional Affairs and Autonomies, Francesco Boccia, will also discuss this point with the governors, with a view to the end of the Dpcm in force as of December 4. A measure that will be illustrated to the Chambers on Wednesday by Speranza himself.
CEI: “The masses will be in full compliance with the regulations”
the Permanent Council of the Italian Episcopal Conference meets this morning in extraordinary session to share about the situation linked to the pandemic and about new forms of pastoral action. Christmas Masses will be celebrated «northfull observance of the rules»Said Monsignor Mario Meini, pro-president of the CEI, when presenting to the Permanent Council. Starting from the “media coverage” of the question, he stressed: “If liturgies and community meetings are subject to special care and prudence, this should not discourage us. In recent months it has become clear how it is possible to celebrate in safe conditions, in full compliance with the rules. We are sure that this will also be the case on the upcoming Christmas solemnity and it will continue to be a good sign of solidarity with all. In this sense, in recent days, also the director of the CEI Social Communication Office Vincenzo corrado recalled the importance of ‘monitoring lto the epidemiological situation and discuss how to celebrate the Christmas rites in safety conditions, in full compliance with the regulations, as has happened so far ”.
The Pope will not be in Piazza di Spagna on December 8
Meanwhile, Pope Francis has announced that he will not go to Piazza di Spagna on December 8. The risk of transmission of Covid is the basis of the pontiff’s decision to resign, after 67 years, to the traditional tribute to the Virgin. The blessing on the city of Rome, its inhabitants and the many sick people in all parts of the world, will take place in private at the Vatican. There is also talk of access to quotas for The blessing City and world December 25, but the modalities of development have not yet been decided.
December 1, 2020 (change December 1, 2020 | 10:49 am)