Helicopters flying over Rome, carabinieri gazelles with sirens, and soldiers breaking into houses. The capital woke up like this, with the second anti-Camorra blitz shortly after last July. Today, December 1, 28 people were believed to belong to an organization aimed at drug trafficking and, for various reasons, extortion, illegal possession and carrying of weapons, very serious personal injuries, attempted murder, fraudulent transfer of securities, crimes, in for the most part, aggravated by the mobster method.
The bombing was also carried out in Campania and Veneto, where the ROma carabinieri are executing a preventive custody order, issued by the GIP at the Rome Court, at the request of the local District Anti-Mafia Directorate.
The Sienese clan, that of Michele, known as O Pazzo, was again affected. Today’s disposition has its origin in the investigation carried out by the Carabinieri of the Investigation Unit of Rome that allowed to reconstruct the operation in Rome of a drug cartel headed by Michele Senese, beneficiary of the precautionary measure.
The map of the “Roman Camorra”
Under its aegis there were different groups that dealt with drug trafficking, identifying their assets from top to bottom, associates and traffickers. Fabrizio Piscitelli also operated within one of these groups, killed in an ambush in Rome on August 7, 2019.