Salvini received by Mattarella. First face-to-face in over a year – Il Tempo


Matteo Salvini for the first time in more than a year face to face with Sergio Mattarella. The leader of the League had requested a meeting to discuss the new immigration decree, which runs the risk of blocking the work of Parliament at a particularly delicate time for the country, and was received today by the Head of State.

During the interview, defined as “relaxed and friendly”, Salvini also expressed “concern about the Italian economic and social situation, in particular about health issues and the protection of doctors and nurses, the school and the lack of adequate personnel and structures , lamenting the government’s lack of dialogue with the social partners and Parliament – we learn from Carroccio’s sources – The will to build of the League and of the entire center-right has always been there: last week it was confirmed in the unanimous vote (and grateful) on the budget gap, but the government’s lack of dialogue and the foolish decision to push the pace on immigration runs the risk of undermining any desire for collaboration. “
