Brussels, November 30, 2020 – The European Commission does not recommend masses at Christmas. Brussels recommends that governments consider measures to “do not allow meetings” for vacations. You can read it in the draft on the guidelines to be published on Wednesday on anti-Covid measures for Christmas
The commission, in particular, asks “to consider avoid religious ceremonies with large gatherings, replacing them with online initiatives, on television or radio ”, according to sources in Brussels.
In the draft, which as such could still change before the final visit to the commissioners’ college on Wednesday, Brussels insists on social distancing and on the use of protective masks. The commission recommends maintaining curfew, Also for the end of the year.
For this reason, from Brussels it is suggested to spend the holidays in the name of “prudence” and “precaution”, to avoid a resumption of infections. In short, you don’t want to risk losing the results achieved in these weeks of restrictions in a few days.
President Ursula von der Leyen said: “We must avoid mistakes” of the summer period, because risk is a possible third wave.
The EU recommends delaying the return to school for a week, in order to create a buffer period to return from vacation. But say don’t close borders and not impose quarantine periods, or if appropriate, limit them to seven days. Brussels also asks to strengthen the test campaign, especially the rapid ones.
Instead of the dispute winter sports, which is causing a lot of discussion, the Community Executive I will not go into the question: “The powers of Brussels are limited, it is stressed, and are decisions that are the responsibility of the Member States.”
The Pope will not go to Piazza di Spagna on December 8
The risk of transmission of Covid is also the basis for the resignation of the Pope, after 67 years, to the traditional tribute to the virgin in Piazza di Spagna on December 8. The blessing on the city of Rome, its inhabitants and the many sick people in all parts of the world, will take place in private at the Vatican. Therefore, the gift of flowers for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception to the Virgin on the stele was suspended, with the participation of firefighters. A decision that responds to security needs: the ceremony has always attracted hundreds of people.
An armored December is announced for the Pope’s celebrations: the Mass of Christmas It will be celebrated with the limited presence of the faithful in the Vatican basilica. There is also talk of access to quotas for the Urbi et Orbi blessing December 25, but the development modalities have not yet been decided.
Tomorrow the Permanent Council of the Italian Episcopal Conference It will meet in extraordinary session: some indications are also expected at Christmas. The question of the time of the so-called ‘Midnight Mass’ would not be a problem: already with Benedict XVI the Mass of the 24th is celebrated long before midnight and the same is done in many parishes. So if the new Dpcm maintains a ‘curfew’ at 10 pm, dioceses will not be surprised by anticipating the December 24 celebrations.
For him Masses of 25 There may not be new protocols, but recommendations to the bishops themselves to ask all parish priests to enforce the rules of distancing and the maximum number of faithful in each celebration.
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