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Are you positive? Worse for you. Instead of thanking a person who, on his own account and independently, has undergone a test in a private laboratory, identifying and informing the health authorities of a positivity that escaped from the monitoring systems, the Region of Umbria forces him to undergo a mandatory exam. for a fee, giving to private labs co-opted so far the burden of supervising operations.
The proportion of the provision
Let’s explain it better: until the Ministry of Health officially indicates that a confirmed case can be defined as such not only by the molecular swab but also on the basis of the rapid positive antigen test, provided that one of these rapid tests must be positive in a private laboratory. it will have to be confirmed by a molecular test. It will be said: nothing new. It was already like that, but the test was decided, managed and scheduled by the competent Local Health Authority. What’s new now is that the molecular swab will have to be remade on site, during the same sampling session, at the expense of the first test positive person. So you will have to be the same citizen who sadly should be positive, to have to pay for the molecular pad. With costs that range between 50 and 100 euros. This is what has aroused the confusion.
The limits of an obligation
Can we refuse? To read the document, in theory, no. Although later, in practice, someone should explain to us how an oropharyngeal swab can be done to a person who does not consent, unless a TSO is used. Among other things, he says, it is the laboratories and sampling points that must ensure strict compliance with this requirement, as well as having to communicate the results to the regional biovigilance system. Otherwise, a warning procedure will be triggered.
What’s behind
To read the Umbrian Messenger, which published the news in the newspaper on Sunday, the decision would have been adopted to discourage the massive use of serological or antigenic tests that are not diagnostic tests and that instead many users continue to consider as such for ‘psychological’ reasons; to get rid of the positivity thought, dropping (until last November 25, the date of issuance of the regional council resolution) in public health, the burden of confirmation with the molecular. A little in the sign of the decision do not rub to certify the negativity of a positive person that for a month he has been authorized to leave not after the negativization but after 21 days have elapsed. Any negative swabs (required by some employers, for example, to reinstate employees) must be done privately.
Coletto clarifies: “There is freedom of choice: citizens informed first”
Late in the afternoon on Monday comes the clarification of the Region through the health councilor Luca Coletto: “As for conducting tests to search for SARS-CoV-2 in workplaces and private structures, it is specified that, if a citizen decides to carry out a rapid antigen or serological test in a private laboratory, in case of a positive result the laboratory is obliged to inform the citizen of the possibility of carrying out the molecular test at the same time in the laboratory, assuming the burden Otherwise, citizens will be able to assess whether to perform the swab in public facilities and, as is already the case in pharmacies, have the positive test result transmitted to the family doctor and the prevention department for care of the patient and, therefore, at the expense of the regional health system “.
An ad hoc resolution on buffers
“Meanwhile, fiduciary isolation will be mandatory. The criteria for performing the swabs – Coletto announces – will be the subject of a resolution that will implement the guidelines for surveillance and the diagnostic strategy in the use of tests for SARS-CoV-2 recently approved by the technical scientific committee ”.
Our article provoked immediate reactions from citizens, but also from political representatives. The council minority even raised an urgent question, taking up the title of this article in the opening words of the press release: “As of today, being positive in Umbria is a fault. And it also costs a lot of money. All this at the expense of citizens who in case of a positive antigen or serological test will be obliged to carry out the confirmatory molecular test in a private laboratory on their own.
Questioning of minorities in the Region
“The umpteenth joke for the Umbrians – write the minority groups in the regional council in a joint note – is established in resolution 1139/2020 of the regional council, considering that our region was one of the first in which contagion monitoring. Another, another more absurd story that we asked the regional council through an interrogation to clarify: Is it legitimate to force citizens who have tested positive for a rapid test to perform the confirmatory molecular test in the same private laboratory on their own? What are the sanctions for citizens in case of refusal, refusal or inability to pay for the confirmation test in a private laboratory? This is not entirely clear and must also be explained to protect the private laboratories that will handle these situations. “
“The entire monitoring system is at risk”
“We believe that the regional health system must guarantee the broadest possible population monitoring system and in the event of a positive result by means of a rapid test, the public health services must provide for the control and the corresponding diagnostic analysis. We believe that such a decision is highly discriminatory towards the most vulnerable sectors of the population who would be denied the right to protect their own health and that of their families. Given the total absence – they conclude – of a follow-up on the prices of molecular buffers in private facilities and in the absence of follow-up of asymptomatic patients, we believe that this resolution may generate a powerful disincentive for citizens, making it necessary to have a follow-up system for make it even more ineffective. contain the spread of the pandemic ”.
The Young Democrats of Perugia: “Tesei’s board steps back immediately”
“The new resolution of the regional council is a declaration of bankruptcy of the regional health system”, writes the secretary of the young democrats of Perugia Mazzanti. “We are very bitter about this decision that, in an already difficult economic period in itself, transfers the costs of mismanagement directly to the citizen. We trust that the president will think about it and be guided by common sense. Positivity is not a fault. incompetence yes “.
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