Published on: 11/30/2020 5:23 PM
‘Report‘in tonight’s episode, anticipates the editorial team, “will reveal a series of confidential emails received through a leak. These are internal communications from WHO on the management of a Bomba mediatica, il rapporto ‘An unprecedented challenge: Italy’s first response to COVID-19’ by a team of researchers from the European division of the WHO.
The study, funded with about $ 100,000 from a grant from Kuwait, described lights and shadows of Italian preparation and management of the Covid-19 crisis. It was intended to be used by other countries and, in general, by stakeholders in the health world to draw useful lessons from the good practices and mistakes of the first great Western country to face the virus. But on May 14, just one day after its publication, it was withdrawn and never available again. An insult to the government of Kuwait that had paid for him. “
“From the leak in our possession we deduce – they continue from ‘Report’ – that The reason for the censorship is that the report embarrassed the government. Italian and Health Minister Speranza and even more so the deputy director of the WHO Ranieri Guerra. In fact, among the various critical issues pointed out by the researchers, it is certified that the Italian pandemic prevention plan was very old, 2006. And never updated “.
“One of the directors who should have brought it up to date was Ranieri Guerra himself, which between 2014 and 2017 was Dg Prevention of the Ministry of Health. And these on May 11, shortly before the publication of the report, and a few hours after an episode of ‘Report’ that allegedly denounced the delay of the pandemic plan, in his capacity as a senior WHO official, he wrote to one of the authors to indicate the plan date 2016 instead of 2006. But 2016 is only the update date of the website and not the plan. A sleight of hand: ‘You must immediately correct in the text: 1. National plan for preparedness and response to an influenza pandemic; Ministry of Health; 2006 (…) And report what’s available on the minsalute website (…) Last updated December 2016. Don’t mess with me about this. (…) Tonight we are going to Report’s teeth and we cannot be suicidal. (…) Now I block everything with Soumya. Let me have the revised version as soon as you can. So I can’t get out.
“War threatens to block everything with Soumya Swaminatham, the chief scientist of the WHO headquarters, assuming that the prestigious scientist was at his disposal to change a text not for scientific reasons but for political reasons. In another communication, he relates the existence of a supposed tacit agreement between the WHO and the Italian government, of which the UN organization would be the conscious fig leaf: the WHO as conscious (sic) daughter of the fig for certain unpopular decisions criticized by various subjects. This has been a topic of discussion and agreement with Tedros, also through whoever writes to you and the Mission in Geneva. , I don’t think we are doing a good service to the country. Let’s remember that they have just delivered 10 million voluntary contributions in fiduciary form and as a token of appreciation for what they have done so far, after six years of zero. ‘
The report “will also explain how the WHO is preventing the study authors from presenting themselves to the Bergamo Public Prosecutor’s Office, which called on them to listen to them as persons aware of the facts in an investigation into falsification and guilty epidemic. The organism takes refuge behind the treaties “. that guarantee diplomatic immunity and therefore must ‘shield’ investigators even from simple testimony in court. However, among those summoned, the WHO has given the go-ahead to speak with the prosecutors: Ranieri Guerra ”.
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