Covid in Italy, the newsletter with today’s data November 30


The daily tests carried out fell (176,934 yesterday), the percentage of positives increased (12.5%). The victims are 672 in 24 hours, for a total of 55,576, while intensive care is still reduced to 3,744 (-9). The total of cases, including deaths and cured, reaches 1,601,554

There are 16,377 new Covid-19 infections in Italy (yesterday 20,648), compared to 130,524 daily smears performed (yesterday 176,934), with the percentage of positives at 12.5% ​​(yesterday 11.6%). This is the image that emerges from the bulletin of the Ministry of Health of November 30 on the situation of the coronavirus in Italy (UPDATES – SPECIAL). The victims are 672 in one day, while intensive care is still reduced to 3,744 (-9). In the case of intensive care, however, the very different trend compared to previous months is confirmed: the percentage of positives admitted on April 4 was 4.5%, while on November 30 it was 0, 5%.

Victims, cured and tampons


Coronavirus, the situation in Italy: graphs and maps

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 1,601,554 people have tested positive for the coronavirus in Italy, even recovered and died. The victims, in total, are 55,576, with 672 dead in the last 24 hours (yesterday 541). The cured, again in the last 24 hours, are 23,004, for a total of 757,507. The patients with symptoms are 33,187 (+308). On the other hand, 751,540 people are in home isolation (-7,599). Swabs totaled 21,945,099, an increase of 130,524 compared to November 29. The cases analyzed are 12,986,634 so far, net of how many swabs have been done.

The Abruzzo Region reports that 1 case from the last days was subtracted from the total positive cases, since it is a duplicate case. The Umbria region reports a new estimate of the number of deaths.

data covid italy

Contagions in the regions


Covid, Iss: 22,712 infections among healthcare workers in 30 days. THE DATA

In detail, according to the data released by the Ministry of Health, the currently positive people are:

125,408 in Lombardy

74,943 in Piedmont

104,527 in Campania

80,665 in Veneto

71,734 in Emilia-Romagna

90,201 in Lazio

42,026 in Tuscany

40,624 in Sicily

38,772 in Puglia

12,216 in Liguria

14,515 in Friuli Venezia Giulia

17,916 in the Marks

18,192 in Abruzzo

8,235 in Umbria

11,322 in the autonomous province of Bolzano

13,528 in Sardinia

10,970 in Calabria

2,448 in the autonomous province of Trento

6,192 in Basilicata

1,317 in the Aosta Valley

2,720 in Molise

data covid italy

The victims

read also

Vaccine: Moderna requests authorization in the US and Europe

As for the victims, there are:

21,855 in Lombardy

6,239 in Piedmont

1,673 in Campania

3,711 in Veneto

5,753 in Emilia-Romagna

2,367 in Lazio

2,641 in Tuscany

1,555 in Sicily

1,483 in Apulia

2,387 in Liguria

838 in Friuli Venezia Giulia

1,264 in the Marks

893 in Abruzzo

407 in Umbria

531 in the autonomous province of Bolzano

444 in Sardinia

295 in Calabria

654 in the autonomous province of Trento

153 in Basilicata

315 in Valle d’Aosta

118 in Molise

data covid italy
