El Miur responded to Foia’s request from Wired to know how many students and school workers tested positive for Sars-Cov-2. We have built an indicator to understand something
Specifically, as of October 31 there were 64,980 almost in the school population of elementary, average me higher. These are students and school workers who tested positive for new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Claiming that the infection occurred in the classroom is obviously impossible given the lack of follow-up, but today Cabling is able to give More information about a phenomenon (very uncertain) that the country has been discussing for weeks. In fact, the Ministry of Education has responded to Foia, the application of generalized access, presented by us on October 30. And it provided data on infections registered by school leaders through this questionnaire, updated to 31 October. We have not yet received a response from the Higher Institute of Health (but the 30 days allowed by law to respond expire on November 30). Thanks to these numbers, Cabling was able to construct this map, which shows the incidence of infections at the provincial level.
The provinces get darker the higher theincidence of infections on the school population (students and workers) and, when clicking on a territory, the relative data. Filters at the bottom allow you to isolate a single region or view the situation in schools in the First cycle (primary and secondary) and second cycle (High-school). In the map no they are present the Aosta Valley and the autonomous provinces of Trento me Bolzano because in the data set provided by the ministry there was no information on these territories.
The data was provided at the municipal level and concern 2,546 municipalities in more than 6,700 in whose territory there is a school. They are few? In the rest there were no cases or was there and was there no report? Unfortunately we don’t know. We know, however, that it was up to the school leaders to answer the questionnaire weekly. required. In this map, we have represented the municipalities present in the data set provided by Miur.
These data indicate that schools have been centers of diffusion SARS-CoV-2 or they had a “Marginal role” in the spread of contagion, as stated a few days ago by Franco Locatelli, president of the Higher Council of Health? The answer, as this graph shows, varies greatly.
Cabling has actually built a indicator, putting it inside relationship l ‘incidence within schools with the one registered in general population. To view it, simply click on one of the points represented on the graph. If it is greater than 1, the incidence in schools is higher, if it is lower, however, it is higher outside.
Returning to the graphic aspects, the higher a point, the greater the incidence in schools, the further to the right, the greater it is in the general population. Color helps guide: it tends toorange if the incidence is higher in schools, inLight Blue Unlike.
The incidence is lower in schools of Campania, which has closed schools several times, in Veneto and in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Instead, they have a similar incidence inside and outside the classroom.Emilia romagna, the Lombardy and the Liguria. In the rest of the country, however, the incidence in class is higher than in the general population.
Thanks to a filter you can select the schools elementary me average of the high school. As regards the latter, the trend is substantially in line with the average, calculated in both cycles. By selecting instead Primary and secondary school, Y lower the incidence within schools significantly, with the sole exception ofUmbria.
Of course, this is the updated situation for 31 October, that was a month ago. A weekly analysis would be possible, that is, with a frequency similar to that which managers update the ministry and which also makes it possible to assess the trend of infections, if the government accepted the request to open the data also supported by Cabling through the request #datiBeneComune. If the reader believes that it is important to know this information, the invitation is to sign it.
The data that the ministry provided Cabling it can be downloaded at this link.
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