Rome, November 30, 2020 – Rediscovered before Christmas Sunday shopping in the old red zones Covid puts the government, regions and experts on alert. It will be the desire for normality, the exasperation of restrictions, the dream of returning to the rubble of the center: it is that in many cities there has been a ‘free all’ that scares, with crowds in the street me meetings in front of the reopened stores.
In all this, just to avoid dangerous meetings, French Pope the traditional homage to the Virgin in Piazza di Spagna will ‘jump’: the December 8, ByImmaculate, “perform an act of private devotion.” The Pope wants to “avoid any risk of contagion caused by the gatherings.”
Christmas dpcm, movements between regions: hypothesis of block of 20
Cirio: unacceptable crowd
The governor of Piedmont opens the controversy, Alberto Cirio: “What I saw yesterday in some streets of Turin is something that reminds me of summer and we can’t pay it“, he says commenting on the images of the crowd that yesterday accompanied the reopening of the stores.” What happened yesterday in Turin is something unacceptable – he insists on the microphones of Radio Verónica Uno – This morning I will participate in the Public Order Commission and ask the prefect very rigorous interventions. I know the police have done a lot, but obviously not enough. The Piedmontese are behaving seriously, but where there are situations that get out of control, we must intervene immediately ”.
In high school closure, second and third, in Piedmont Despite the passage from the red zone to the orange zone, Cirio explains: “I heard the boys’ squad but also the reports of our epidemiologists, doctors and pediatricians: when a governor receives data that shows that with a reopening of the second and third average for In just 12 days I was at risk of increasing the infection again, which would then take home during the Christmas holidays. I made the decision to safeguard my health. “
Zaia to the Venetians: we run the risk of changing areas
Governor Zaia urges the Venetians: “We have a Rt which is 1.20: it would have been virtuous two weeks ago, today it is among the highest at the national level. If we put little effort with spacing it is normal for Rt to rise. “The problem, therefore, are the crowds in the street:” If we do not invest in avoiding social gatherings – he explained – we run the risk that Rt will rise with the incidence of infections that increases and we pass in a different color of area. This week we cannot stop being evaluated and the RT obviously gives us the verdict along with the rest of the parameters ”.
And he affirms: “I believe that health comes first, do not say that this administration is dealing with the abacus. We need to combine aspects of public health with the economy: having been in the yellow zone for 3 weeks, not having closed bars and restaurants and municipal limits and obligation of self-certification, it was not a small thing “.
Pata: overcrowding is not a good sign
“It is disconcerting that people find it difficult to understand the seriousness of the situation and that much depends on our behavior that must be virtuous,” attacks the Undersecretary of Health. Sandra Zampa, in 24Mattino de Radio 24. “I understand that you have to buy – he continued – but if you see that the situation is like this, maybe you change day or zone, maybe you’ll come home. This is not a good sign, it is not comforting ”, he concluded.
The minister is more understanding Francesco Boccia: “It is inevitable that when companies reopen there is a desire to return, it is the reaction is natural, but what may not be natural is not respect the rules“.
Galli: so the third wave is fatal
“It is evident that, if the necessary precautions” are not maintained to limit the spread of Sars-CoV-2 infections, “we will only be able to review a situation similar to the one we have already experienced”, that is, to reach a third wave of Covid-19. For the infectious disease specialist at the Sacco-University Hospital of Milan Massimo galli, who spoke in ‘Agorà’ by Rai3, “it is fatal that it is so.”
Commenting on the gatherings that are seen in many cities for Christmas shopping, the expert warns that “we still have many viruses circulating.” Too much, across the country, “thinking about going back to a free world had only a glimmer of result” from the restrictions imposed against the second wave.
Bassetti: buy yes, but with caution
You have to avoid gatherings, especially shopping. If there really is no possibility, you have to give clear rules to wear the mask and observe the distance. However, we must reconcile the two needs we have today: not to kill permanently. the economy and prevent purchases from becoming a risk of triggering the third wave. Shopping yes, but with caution and respect for the rules. Banning purchases and saying that buying online is not the solution ”, underlines Matteo Bassetti, director of the Disease Clinic. infectious diseases of the San Martino hospital in Genoa.
Doctors: we don’t repeat mistakes
The appeal of the doctors: “We do not repeat the mistakes of August, we do not commit months of sacrifices in a few days. We continue to limit movements to what is necessary and respecting preventive hygiene measures. We are all involved in this game, just committing ourselves to the same thing. direction we can lower the curve, “says the president of Fnomceo (National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists) Filippo Anelli. “Christmas is approaching, the legitimate and sacrosanct desire to reunite with distant relatives, to celebrate with friends, is growing. Let’s do it, but with measure and prudence -insists Anelli-. At Christmas the restrictive measures implemented by the Government certainly cooled the contagion curve. But this does not mean a ‘free all’: the virus still circulates, and in a much stronger way than in the summer, when we came out of two months of total lockdown “.
Miozzo (Cts): impose the limited number
“Because if there are too many people in via del Corso in Rome or in the shopping streets of other cities, no action is taken and the limited number is not imposed? I am concerned about the non-compliance with the regulations,” said the coordinator of the Technical Committee scientist, Agostino Miozzo, to the Messenger. “If you see the photograph of the crowd in a Roman department store, it makes you wonder: what are we talking about? If this is the demonstration, the image, of the failure to comply with the rules of prevention of the transmission of the coronavirus, then you worry “, Miozzo explained, according to which the current rules” are sufficient, but they do not apply. And it is almost ridiculous to reiterate the correct recommendation not to organize large dinners among relatives “for the Christmas holidays.
Ricciardi: “The Regions do not understand”
Walter Ricciardi, adviser to the Minister of Health, commented: “Everyone wants to return to normality but we know that it will not be possible for many months and probably for many yearsThe professor from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, during his speech at the Novartis digital event, added: “Starting from health to build together the sustainable society of tomorrow. These things must be said. Scientists can afford it, politicians cannot, because they want consensus, they want to reassure citizens and thus expose them to risk. “Regarding Italy, Ricciardi defended the executive’s work:” Our government is doing things better than others. ” According to the professor “the problem is always the tension between the Government and the Regions, which experience the colors as a stigma, pressured by the local economy, and do not realize that if we do not resolve the curve in a stable way, an epidemic, and only at that moment we will be able to allow ourselves to reopen and have an almost normal life, we are preparing for a new circulation of the virus ”.
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