
This first week of December will be the decisive one on the Covid front for Campania. Currently, the region is classified as a red zone according to the Decree of the Prime Minister of early November that divided Italy into three colors corresponding to so many risk bands. For December 3 there will be a new reclassification and we will understand what Christmas will be in our region: either with strong restrictions on the opening of stores and movements or with more permissive rules, especially with regard to movements between provinces of the same region or between different regions (obviously for those who want to return to Christmas in their city, even if they work outside the country).
In practice, the order of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, would have expired on Sunday, November 29, and was extended for 5 days. Expected Thursday, December 3 the new Dpcm of the Conte government, which will arrive exactly one month after the one issued on November 3 that established the classification of areas of severity of Covid, for the regions in yellow, orange and red.
After a brief period in the yellow zone, Campania was classified at high risk due to the progressive progression of infections but also and above all due to the condition of stress of the local hospital system, particularly intensive and subintensive therapies. This condition has partially changed: infections are decreasing slowly (very slowly), local RT is decreasing and the number of ordinary and resuscitation beds is expanding also thanks to the agreements made by the Campania Region with private clinics.
However, the stressful condition remains: the beds are occupied beyond the alarm threshold and the elements to degrade the risk factor of the region are not identified for the moment.
The red zone restrictions, although there are no comparable controls at the end of March, remain strong, especially for commerce: there is an obligation not to leave home unless for reasons of need, work or health and a prohibition of travel. even between municipalities. Restaurants are closed except for take out and home delivery.
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