Rome, November 30, 2020 – New cases of Coronavirus in Italy but the number of gods is still high dead, according to the latest bulletin from the Ministry of Health. Meanwhile, it was published by the National Institute of Health (Iss) in Covid-19 Integrated Surveillance Report, updated to November 29: 800,953 cases of infection registered in the last 30 days in Italy, of which 22,712 among health workers, and, in the same period of time, have been well 12,904 deceased and 304,531 the healed. The mean age of the cases in the last 30 days is 48 years, and increases after the decline in the summer. 48.3% of those infected are men and 51.7% women. 11% are under 18 years old, 15.5 are over 70, 29% are between 51 and 70 years old and the majority, 44.3%, are between 19 and 50 years old.
And the budget of the dead doctors during the pandemic in Italy. There are 221 victims among the white coats: Bartolomeo Borgialli, a retired family doctor, and Vito Roberto De Giorgi, an anesthetist also in a pension, are added to the ‘list of the fallen’ published by the National Federation of Surgeons and Dentists (Fnomceo).
In these hours, we also discuss and try Christmas dpcm: among the planned measures, restrictions on travel between regions and the maintenance of the curfew.
Modern Covid Vaccine: “94.1% effective, 100% in severe cases”
Today’s newsletter
Updated data and PDF table will be published here as soon as available
Hydroxychloroquine, the Ema alt: “Risk of suicide and psychiatric disorders”
The regions / Veneto
Veneto Records 2003 Covidien contagion in the last 24 hours, for a global figure that reaches 145,592 infected since the beginning of the epidemic. This is a much lower figure than the daily reports in recent weeks, which could however be affected by the lower number of tests processed over the weekend. The number of deaths also increases: they are 34 victims more than yesterday, for a total of 3,711 deaths (including hospitals and nursing homes). Currently the positive subjects are 80,665 (+954). The pressure on hospitals continues to mount: Covid patients in the medical area are now 2,608 (+26), those in intensive care 339 (+8).
Emilia romagna
On the last day of Emilia romagna They registered 2,041 more than yesterday, out of a total of 10,992 swabs performed. The percentage of new positives on the number of buffers manufactured is 18.5%. The new deaths were, however, 39 in total. Of the newly infected, 1,189 are asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities. The average age of new positives today is 48.1 years. The contagion situation in the provinces sees Modena with 471 new cases; followed by Bologna (393), Rimini (262), Reggio Emilia (222). Then Ravenna (182), Parma (140), Ferrara (95), Piacenza (57). Then Imola (118), Forlì (54) and Cesena (47).
In Lazio i there are 1,589 new cases, while the deceased are 39. The positives are currently 90,201, of which 3,384 are hospitalized, in addition to 350 patients in intensive care and 86,467 in home isolation. Since the beginning of the epidemic, there are a total of 27,212 cured, 2,367 deaths, and the total number of cases examined equals 119,780. The relationship between positives and smears is below 8%: it is the lowest figure in November and for the first time the city of Rome falls below a thousand cases (947).
In Tuscany infections in the last 24 hours are 893 (506 identified in the course of tracking and 387 from detection activities). New cases are 0.9% more than the total of the previous day. Those cured grew by 4.2% and reached 58,774 (56.8% of all cases). The swabs made reached 1,568,208, 10,383 more than yesterday, of which 8.6% were positive. On the other hand, 3,742 subjects were tested today (excluding control swabs), of which 23.9% were positive. To these are added the 1,027 rapid antigenic swabs that are carried out today. The current positives are 42,026 today, -3.5% compared to yesterday. There are 1,862 hospitalized (6 less than yesterday), of which 278 in intensive care (stable). Are registered 40 new deaths: 28 men and 12 women with an average age of 82.7 years.
In Puglia, 4,151 tests were recorded 1,101 new positive cases, of which 515 in the province of Bari 30 deaths. Since the beginning of the emergency, 784,515 tests have been carried out. 14,065 are recovered patients. 38,772 are currently positive cases. The total number of positive Covid cases in the region is 54,320.
They are registered in Abruzzo 556 new infections. The budget of deceased patients records 7 new cases and it amounts to 893 (between 71 and 89 years old, 2 in the province of L’Aquila, 4 in the province of Teramo and 1 in the province of Chieti). Since the beginning of the Coronavirus emergency, a total of 411,685 tests have been carried out (+4,184 compared to yesterday).
am 282 positive swabs of the 2,119 analyzed in Basilicata between last Saturday and yesterday: this was announced by the regional working group. During the last two days, they have registered 11 dead (the total has reached 150). 134 people have been healed, bringing the grand total to 1,730. Currently positive Lucanians are 6,006 and those in home isolation are 5,832. 174 people are hospitalized in the hospital, 22 of which are in intensive care (12 in Potenza and 10 in Matera).
am 252 cases of positivity among the new diagnoses in Market in the last day. The highest number of cases was registered in the province of Pesaro Urbino (131); It is followed by the provinces of Ancona (80), Macerata (17), Fermo (8), Ascoli Piceno (7); nine cases concern people from outside the region. Among the infected there are 36 symptomatic subjects.
South tyrol
One death and 183 new cases in South tyrol. However, the laboratories of the provincial health authority only made 1,002 swabs. The number of hospitalizations is substantially stable: there are 278 patients in normal hospital wards, 150 in private clinics, and 37 in intensive care. 8,495 people are in home isolation. The total number of people under quarantine so far touches the threshold of 60,000 (59,785).
The other regions
Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia 575 new infections were detected (8.24% of the 6,980 swabs performed) and 21 deaths from Covid-19. In Sardinia the new positives are 329 and the victims 8.
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