Florence, November 30, 2020 – He spent a good part of Sunday studying the «Toscanexit», The departure of the region of Red zone and after that orange. A double promotion to dream of a Christmas as easy as possible. Eugenio Giani wants to do numbers on the one hand and his diplomatic art on the other. It aims to convince the Minister of Health Speranza that Tuscany should be able to fully enjoy «next weekend in orange zone with the shutters up of the shops closed so far. Therefore, the transition must take place between Friday and Saturday and not as Rome indicates, according to technical and bureaucratic times, between Saturday and Sunday. “I have a telephone appointment with Minister Speranza – continues Giani-, I trust that he is sensitive and attentive to our needs.”
According to the Ministry of Health, the quarantine in Red zone from Tuscany expires today and did not expire yesterday. Then the technical-scientific committee must meet and then the control room. When the go-ahead is given, on Thursday as Giani expects or on Friday according to Rome, they will have to pass 24 hours for publication in the regional bulletin.
“We are in the yellow zone”, Giani repeats like a mantra, “I hope to stay in orange for only one week and then move on to the other zone, from which we started, around December 13”. the The passage in the orange zone will mean the reopening of stores and stalls that are currently closed (especially related to clothes but also objects even in Christmas shopping), but also back to class in the presence of second and third grade students. «On Monday, December 7, the high school students they will all be in class – Giani announces – I will not be like the president of Piedmont who has decided to block the return ».
Giani also thinks about commerce on his knees: «Commerce is part of the identity reality of our Tuscany – he emphasizes – the small shop in the city as well as in the neighborhood is a garnish of life, it has a social function. Currently, merchants are excessively penalized because the crisis and closures are compounded by competition from the giants of online sales platforms. I receive messages, emails, and letters from desperate merchants every day. It is necessary that in Rome they understand ». And then, according to Giani, in addition to the refreshments installed so far, “it would be necessary a solidarity fund fed by the web giants that now do much more business.”
Luigi caroppo
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