It would be a total 21 billion the cake that six pharmaceutical giants (Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Sanofi, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax) would be ready to share thanks to Vaccines for COVID-19 made by them.
This is the global figure processed by Bloomberg Intelligence and then spread for us from L’Espresso, with the report that has long been available to the world’s leading financial institutions.
According to the dossier, only considering the 2020 and 2021 These six pharmaceutical companies will raise a total of 21 billion, with the estimate based on the contracts signed so far, although some, as in the case of the European Union, were classified.
A river of public money paid so far basically in trust, considering that at this moment no official data Regarding these six anti-Covid vaccines, it has been announced since it is still in the more or less advanced phase of experimentation.

Anti-Covid Vaccine: A Game of 21 Billion
From the coronavirus pandemicIt can be said that the emergency took place in three parallel ways: health, the vaccine race, and economic-financial.
In an avalanche of rumors, the one thing scientists and experts have always agreed on is that, to overcome this global health crisis vaccine which should be available in record time.
Green light is expected for the vaccine in the coming days Pfizer, then, in quick succession, it may be the turn of the Modern, AstraZeneca, Sanofi, Johnson and Johnson me Novavax. The various announcements by the companies have thus encouraged financial markets and prompted countries to sign agreements.
According to Bloomberg Intelligence, these six pharmaceutical companies have already signed, for 2020 and 2021, contracts worth a total of 21 billion even if so far no official documents about the trials have been published, but only communicated by the companies concerned.
The report talks about each single dose that should have an estimated cost of $ 15. AstraZeneca, however, will sell it to the European Union, which will manage the distribution for the member states, at a lower price ($ 4) than the one agreed with Australia ($ 14).
It must be said that the serum of the Oxford-Pomezia tandem has a lower cost since, unlike the one from Pfizer that must be stored at a temperature of -70 °, it can also be transported in a normal refrigerator.
While waiting for these vaccines to be validated by the authorities, a flood of public money has already flooded the coffers of the six pharmaceutical companies: to try not to delay in the supply, the contracts were almost signed in the “darkness” in I hope the experiments are successful. for not wasting this money.