“It is disconcerting that people find it difficult to understand the gravity of the situation and that a lot depends on our behavior that must be virtuous.” Thus, the Undersecretary of Health, Sandra Zampa, on 24Mattino on Radio 24, about the shopping crowd in some Italian cities that have gone from red to orange. “I understand that you have to go shopping,” he continued, “but if you see that the situation is like this, you may change the day or the area, you may go home. That is not a good sign, it is not comforting,” he concluded.
Curfew and no chants in the church, the EU councils against the third wave
by our correspondent Alberto d’Argenio

When asked if there will be a travel ban between regions from December 20. “I don’t know, I know we are working on severe restrictive hypotheses. But the Dpcm is not there yet, there are some hypotheses” but “all the hypotheses that dance in the newspapers create an impressive anxiety and I prefer not to contribute too much hypothesis not yet confirmed”. he pointed Paw. “We will try to make people understand that they should move as little as possible – he added – the plan will be presented and illustrated by the minister on Thursday, December 3.”
“I have brothers, friends, sisters who besiege me to find out – he says – and last night I wrote a message, I do not say to whom … but I assault the minister and not only him because there is also an urgent matter” for the people who eventually they must be organized. “If we add to the severity that we are late, then this gives people an argument to get angry and this should be avoided,” he concludes. Paw.
Covid emergency, curfew hypothesis even on Christmas night. Dinner between partners
by Tommaso Ciriaco

He also goes back to the school theme: “No, I don’t think there will be any reopening before Christmas. The school open to commercials is useless for anyone, it only serves to generate outbreaks of infections.” For Zampa, “a plan is necessary to make up for lost hours, in part because – he explained – not even a good dad is comparable to face-to-face lessons.”
Worried about last weekend’s shopping meetings, including the infectious disease specialist Massimo galli, from the Sacco-University Hospital of Milan. It is clear that, if the precautions “necessary to limit the spread of infections” are not maintained, “we will only be able to review a situation similar to the one we have already experienced”, that is, to reach a third wave of Covid-19.
Commenting on the gatherings that have been seen in many cities for Christmas shopping, the expert guest from Agorà on Rai3, warns that “we still have many viruses circulating”. Too much, across the country, “thinking about going back to a free world had only a glimmer of result” from the restrictions imposed against the second wave.
Half Italy yellow in 7 days: “But be careful not to do anything crazy”
by Michele Bocci and Tommaso Ciriaco
As for the color change taken yesterday in the regions from red to orange, the passage from one risk band to another “is not a merit. It is not a race,” warns the infectious disease specialist. In political debate, observe Galli, “the point seems to be the color change.” Instead, it should be “keeping the situation in the long term out of danger of a recovery as much as possible” from the wave of contagions. “I am perfectly aware of the needs of the economy and commerce – specifies the doctor – but the health of people is a major problem and the country’s economic recovery is also measured by the ability to contain and limit the damage constantly caused by epidemic”. .
“If we were to completely fall back into a situation like the one we have already experienced for the second time, and this most likely happens before we can intervene with an effective vaccine, I believe that everything that is said in terms of defense of the economy – notes Galli – would be damaged “.
“What I saw yesterday in some streets of Turin is something that reminds me of summer and we cannot afford it.” The Governor of Piedmont, Alberto Cirio, comments on the images of the crowd that yesterday accompanied the reopening of the stores. “What happened yesterday in Turin is something unacceptable,” he emphasizes to the microphones of Radio Veronica One. “This morning I will participate in the Public Order Commission and I will ask the prefect for very rigorous interventions – he adds – I know the police have done a lot but obviously not enough. The Piedmontese are behaving seriously, but where situations get out of control, we have to intervene immediately. “
Decided on the need to limit travel too Stefano bonaccini, President of Emilia-Romagna and of the Conference of Regions, invited to Mattino Cinque: “Today begins the discussion with the government to evaluate measures that, on the one hand, allow activities to be carried out for the regions that are in the yellow zone, but we will have to look for measures to prevent the den to free everyone: for the Christmas period it is necessary to limit travel. If from January there will be the first doses of vaccine -explains- we should arrive next summer to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now we must avoid that one January and February we return to what we experienced in these months ”.
For the governor of Liguria, Giovanni toti: “Nobody asks to get into trouble, but they do evaluate all the problems we face, health and economic. We have no reluctance to set rules, but we believe that we can accommodate all the needs of this delicate moment. very attentive to Christmas rituals: certain queues and certain meetings are, perhaps, more dangerous than other things that we prohibit or limit, such as restaurants ”.