Teachers and ATA exposed to risks, Anief asks to leave work like the armed forces: modifications to the Budget Law



Anief Press Release – School personnel must withdraw early: the Anief union requests it again, presenting amendments to the Budget Bill 2021 to the V House Committee after the approval of the Government on the text.

Considering the high stress involved in working on the walls of the school, the consequent diseases and the biological risk much greater than in other categories, he asks to proceed immediately to an agile work to equate it to hospitalization in hospitals, the possibility of leaving the school early. work, linking all school professionals to the Social Ape, without cuts to the retirement allowance, exactly as it applies to state employees in uniform. The concept that according to the union must pass is that school workers must be considered among the “fragile” professionals.

According to Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief, “we cannot wait any longer: school personnel are exposed to health and safety problems that are too high, it is essential that they are placed among the categories that do heavy work. Parliamentarians have to face this problem: we urge them to follow up on our amendment proposals that are intended to protect many workers who cannot wait almost 70 years to leave a particularly stressful job.

President Marcello Pacifico will illustrate the problems in a webinar open to all staff tomorrow, Monday, November 30, from 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm. To register go to the following link:

https: //register.gotowebinar.com / register /1266007786248871183

Introduce urgent provisions for access to retirement so that school personnel are not penalized again.


The autonomous union organization believes, first of all, that it is essential, given the persistence of the epidemiological emergency, to operate a “Extension of the social ape” this time including all categories of schools, as well as “Protection for Fragile Workers”: In all such cases the latter job placement should be adopted, writes Anief in the motivation for the amendment, “in which it is not possible to perform the work service in an agile way, also by assigning to a different job included in the same category or area of ​​employment, as defined by current collective agreements, or by carrying out specific activities professional training even remotely, so that the period of absence from work equates to hospitalization and does not compromise the employment contract ”.


Anief also intervenes on the methods of access to retirement in a sector, that of teaching and in general of school employees, which holds the record for the average age of workers who work there: the union believes, in first, that it is absurd to place a teacher retired at the age of 70 and therefore we must return to the parameters on useful contributions “for the purposes of the right of access and at the beginning of the treatment of old-age or seniority pension ” indicated in “Regulatory provisions prior to the approval of article 24 of Law No. 214 and subsequent amendments “. This power must be adopted throughout the “teaching, educational and Ata staff “, so these provisions, still ask the Anief, “Apply, from 2021”.


In the early retirement application for school personnel, it is also emphasized that “The widespread and burdensome psychophysical stress, combined with the current large generation gap between school staff and students, requires a special window that allows access and initiation of retirement or old age pension in accordance with the pre-call rules reform “Fornero”. . In conclusion, the union believes that precisely in light of “Burdensome nature” of the work done “at all school levels” should turn out “It is essential to extend the current window for early retirement that is only granted to armed forces personnel.”


Article 61

  1. Extension of the rules on fragile workers and sickness period

The following paragraph is inserted:

“3. In paragraph 2 of article 26 of the decree-law of March 17, 2020, n. 18, converted, with modifications, by law April 24, 2020, n. 27 as drafted by Law October 13 of 2020, n.126, the words “October 15, 2020” are replaced by “end of the state of emergency” “.

Consequently, the heading is modified as follows “Expansion of the social monopoly and protection of fragile workers”.

Reason: the amendment aims to protect all fragile workers in case it is not possible to carry out the work in an agile way, also by assigning them to different functions included in the same category or area of ​​employment, as defined by collective agreements . in force, or carrying out specific professional training activities, even remotely, so that the period of sick leave is equated with hospitalization and does not compromise the employment contract.

Article 63

  1. School staff pension

An additional paragraph is added, therefore the heading is modified as follows “Calculation of seniority requirements for pension purposes and in the part-time cyclical vertical”

For teaching, teaching and Ata staff, the regulatory provisions prior to the approval of article 24 of Law 22, as of 2021, for the purposes of the right to access and start the treatment of retirement or seniority pension. December 2011, n. 214 and subsequent modifications.

Reason: the peculiar nature of the managerial profession compared to other professions in the Public Administration due to the generalized and burdensome psychophysical stress, combined with the current large generation gap between school personnel and students requires a special window that allows access and starting date of the old-age or seniority pension according to regulations prior to the reform called “Fornero”.

  1. School personnel equated with the armed forces

An additional one is inserted, for which the title is modified as follows “Calculation of seniority requirements for the purposes

pensions and vertical cyclical part-time “

For the personnel of educational institutions, as of September 1, 2021, the rules for personnel identified by the legislative decree of April 30, 1997, n. 165, without prejudice to the provisions of the decree of the President of the Republic of October 28, 2017, n. 157.

Reason: the performance of the teaching profession is burdensome at all school levels, so it is essential to extend the current early retirement window foreseen only for the personnel of the Armed Forces.

  1. Extension of the status of heavy workers also to teaching staff in secondary schools

In Article 63, insert the following paragraph:

Annex b) referred to in article 1 of paragraph 148, letter H of Act No. 205, after the word “childhood”, add the following words “primary and secondary”.

Consequently, the heading is modified as follows: “Calculation of seniority requirements for the purposes of retirement and vertical cyclical part-time”.

Reason: the performance of the teaching profession is burdensome at all school levels, in addition, the most recent data from the OECD shows that our teachers are the oldest not only among developed countries compared to Europe but also throughout the world. world. : up to 58% of Italian teachers, between primary and secondary schools, are over 50 years old, compared to an OECD average of 34%. which is why it is critical to extend the current window of advance pension benefits provided only to child care staff.

  1. Interruption and recovery of severance pay for public employees TFR Article 63-bis is inserted

Interruption and recovery of severance pay for public employees TFR

In order to guarantee equal treatment with employees in the private sector, the retention of 2.50% of 80% of gross salary, or 2% of total annual salary, is foreseen to finance severance pay . , in compliance with article 2120 of the civil code that contains the discipline of severance pay. For the return of the amount already paid by public employees, the fund established by paragraph 199 of article 1 of Act No. 190.

Reason: For equal treatment with private sector employees, the retention must be carried out in accordance with the rules mentioned in article 2120 of the Italian Civil Code, with the application of the rate of 6.91 percent “instead, Palestinian Authority personnel continue to suffer, as of January 1, 2011, illegitimate reductions in their remuneration in order to finance severance pay that must be fully borne by the employer – administration, as well as for private workers where “compensation of 2.50% to employees is not practiced, because it is not provided for in any way”.

Full list of issues addressed in the amendments to the Budget Law 2021, click here

