
“We are far from singing victory. It will take a different Christmas, otherwise the curve will grow again ”. Pierpaolo Sileri curbs enthusiasm for the current decline in Covid infections.
In an interview with La Stampa, the Vice Minister of Health warns that “movements between Regions must be limited. It’s bad to say it, but I think it’s necessary. We need to reduce the chances of contagion. At the end of December it is probable that most of the Regions are in the yellow band and at that moment the Christmas lunches with positives on the table would be enough to risk a massacre.
There are no classes before Christmas, curfew and maximum attention to dinners and parties. EU advice against the third wave
Clash in travel between regions
The question that really worries everyone and is a battlefield seems to be just that. on mobility between regions, especially the Christmas holidays, historically those dedicated to family reunification. A problem that also affects the many teachers who work outside the home and their loved ones.
The government is considering banning travel from a day not yet set around Christmas. It could be the 19th or the 21st, to allow a certain number of people to go home or close relatives for the holidays before the internal borders close.
It is also played in most cases on the scope of the exceptions.
It is almost certain that the first will refer to the return home from residents, but there is a second need, that of favoring those who want to spend Christmas night with their loved ones who live in a city other than their own. Possibility that is granted only for specific cases: need to be with a sick relative or elderly parents alone, after self-certification.
However, time is running out because the current Dpcm expires on Thursday 3. And the new one should come into effect on the 4th.
New Dpcm, travel ban between regions. Doubt for outside teachers, maybe stop at family reunification
The progressive return to class
The epidemic curve is narrowing across Italy and the moderation, albeit slight, of containment measures brings to the surface the never actually diminished issue of back to school. “At the moment no decision has been made, there is an ongoing discussion. Very gradually, I would like the secondary schools to reopen as well. If the measures are relaxed, the school must also be part of it, it cannot be excluded “, says the Minister of Education Lucía Azzolina.
The latest rumors, however, do not give as credible the hypothesis of a return to the seats at the beginning of December, supported by the minister: accepting the requests of the regional presidents, the executive would be more inclined to reopen the classrooms from 7 from January. the holidays are over.
Meanwhile, due to color degradation in some regions, 3,320,958 students remain with distance education, while almost 720,000 students return to the classroom.
Azzolina: “Before Christmas? Discussion in progress, see you in the next few hours “