“He goes to the Cup with a fever but manages to get in after having” cooled down “with ice”


MASSA – “In the Cup, were the protocols against the spread of the infection by covid19 respected? We wonder which ones. Because it was only on Friday that an infected person appeared in front of the operator of the counter in the Via Bassa Tambura district where a second arrived yesterday morning, who must have been in quarantine waiting for her husband’s swab. If these are the protocols, then we are fresh ”. The Uiltrasporti of Massa-Carrara does not give up, which, through the contact person Angelo Lieti, continues to bring to light all the shortcomings and criticalities on the part of the health company in the management of the second wave of the pandemic, in particular for company workers. and cooperatives under contract, between the Copa counter and cleaning.

After the 5 positives in Aulla and the 3 at Noa’s counter, there were two other cases that threaten the workers’ health. This time at the counter in the district of via Bassa Tambura. “On Friday one person, a rare resident, arrived safely in the district without any problem. He had done the swab and couldn’t get the result. He showed up at the entrance where he was immediately turned away for having a high fever. And until then, everything would have been almost in order, even knowing that the results of the swabs cannot and should not be requested at the counters or districts but only online or through the family doctor. Either way, this person has not given up. She walked away and came back shortly after. Maybe they ran a little ice on his forehead – continues Lieti – but the thermocanner probably failed in the measurement and they let him in. And then at the counter it turned out that it was positive ”.

“All the rules have been broken, in this case the implemented protocol to which the ASL refers in the response to my previous interventions and to the email sent has failed. Saturday morning another paradoxical story. A lady came to the district of Massa to cancel an appointment. Temperature in order, nothing to say. Too bad her husband was at home waiting for the tampon, a possible positive partner. The protocol is fine but clearly flawed! ”.

Lieti focuses on all the ASL procedures that have proven not to work, as in the last two cases: “Above all, they do not work because at the counter, the employees of the cooperatives who can defend themselves with a bad surgical mask while the medical staff is rightly harnessed from head to toe. Not to mention that the parafiato barriers are still too low, “concludes Lieti. We ask if it is possible to have more rigid procedures and we ask that cooperative workers have the same protection devices that ASL employees ”.
