Green light for residents. At risk the derogation to meet with parents, spouses or engaged partners


Christmas, Armored Regions: green light for residents.  At risk derogation to meet with parents, spouses or engaged partners

the Christmas with father and mother, children and siblings, in short, with first-degree relatives, it’s not obvious at all. The government fears the third wave of the epidemic. And not only because of the health, economic and social damage that would worsen. But why, as explained Dario Franceschini At Friday’s summit, “if the virus grows again in January, if the epidemic curve sharpens again, we will not have mitigating circumstances after what happened in August. And, along with the third wave, we could have a government crisis.

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They say that Giuseppe Conte, until that moment in favor of granting the repeal of the prohibition to cross regional borders to allow family reunification of first-degree relatives, has stepped on the brake pedal: “Let’s take a few more days to decide, let’s see how they will be the data in the next few days and then we will evaluate. ”A prudent line shared by Roberto Speranza (Health), Francesco Boccia (Regions), Roberto Gualtieri (Economy) and Franceschini himself (Culture). The head of the delegation of the Democratic Party, After the Prime Minister’s hiatus, he added: “During the war the relatives did not meet at Christmas, they did not go to visit mothers and fathers. And this is like a war. I repeat: if we make a mistake at Christmas, if the infections resume after the holidays, we will not have extenuating circumstances … ».


Supporting the line of “maximum prudence” – which will be discussed tomorrow with the Regions, which are opposed, among other things, to the closure of restaurants on December 25 and 26 – are also the technicians of the Scientific Technical Committee (Cts) Silvio Brusaferro , Franco Locatelli and Agostino Miozzo. During the last meeting they pointed out to Conte & C. that “a very rigorous approach is essential, because it is true that the curve of the epidemic is flattening and the pressure on hospitals is decreasing, but the positives are still too many and the spread of the virus continues to be massive. ”Therefore,“ movements between regions would be a strong risk factor, there could be a transfer of infections between different areas of the country, as happened in August. ”The Italian Christmas depends on these fears, on To prevent “Christmas migrations” from the north to the center-south, from abroad to Italy, and to avoid “prolonged dinners”, the government has decided to adopt two measures with the Dpcm next Friday.

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The first: the ban from December 19 (until January 10) to cross regional borders, even when the whole country is in the yellow zone. The second: confirm the curfew from 10 pm even on Christmas and New Year’s Eve. But, given the “social and psychological malaise” that Italy is going through, Conte – supported by Grillini and Renziani – is considering precisely two exceptions: allowing one to return to one’s own Region of residence and allowing reunions between “first degree relatives”, essentially to avoid a lonely Christmas for the elderly. Well, if for the first there is already a substantial approval: “We cannot prevent you from returning to your residence, there is a general agreement in that regard,” explains a minister. There is still a battle in the government for family reunification, so this repeal will be at stake until the final drafting of the Dpcm. “The risk is high,” says another minister, “if it were allowed to cross regional borders to visit first-degree relatives, it would create a hole that everyone would slide into. And the police, called to carry out the controls, would find themselves in an ungovernable situation.

Loose tights

In any case, even the opening line does not point to large sweaters: only one child (with his family unit) would be allowed to join the parents and only reunions between spouses and partners would be authorized. Nothing else. And with “strong recommendations”: mask and spacing until you sit down, separate table for the elderly if there are children. In addition, since the curfew at 10 pm does not cover the “leak” of Christmas and San Esteban lunches and even the bingo afternoons that traditionally mark the holidays, an already current recommendation will be confirmed: “Do not invite home to people who do not live together. “. Explanation of a CTS technician: “Whoever does not live with you is, in the face of risk-contagion, a perfect stranger”.

Last updated: 22:23

