There are those who say it openly (like Luca Zaia), but many think so. The next Dpcm will not only be the most difficult to put pencil on paper, but also the decisive one for the advance of the coronavirus epidemic in Italy. As never before in the recent past, many critical elements and issues intersect that can no longer be avoided.
New Dpcm 3-4 December: it will be “decisive”, countdown
If the scale of the epidemic had taken us all by surprise during the first wave, and the spring Dpcm with widespread closures had been accepted as inevitable, the way in which Italy has approached the resurgence of the virus from September has raised more critical, many detailed and very understandable. Was everything really done in summer to avoid the second wave? I doubt it’s legitimate, not to mention the well-known history of open nightclubs (wrong choice anyway). How many doubts about how the return to school was managed (incredibly, there has been talk for months about the benches with wheels as if they really alone would magically solve the spread of a contagious respiratory virus), about how the system of tracing the contacts of positives is . He jumped at the first difficulties, on how in October the rebound of responsibilities between Rome and the Regions delayed the closure that now seemed inevitable to anyone, wasting precious time.
Now the government headed by Volturara Appula’s lawyer Giuseppe Conte seems to have exhausted that credit of confidence that the Italians gave him (and perhaps also the full support of the parties that support him, given the daily rumors of reorganization that bounce in the newspapers) , and the next Dpcm You cannot fail to find the right balance between at least three aspects: the need not to climb the curve of infections at Christmas and avoid a third wave, the moral obligation that all students return to school in presence within a time. reasonable. , the will to safeguard economic activities as much as possible, with measures that allow businesses to reopen without generating crowds (for example, we are thinking about extended hours, even at night).
The next will be “the decisive Dpcm in the history of the fight against Covid“, because” it will handle the conjuncture between infections, the start of the largest vaccination campaign in our history and the peak of the flu “, therefore” you cannot make a mistake, and to avoid mistakes you need a close and constructive comparison, of otherwise you run the risk of unleashing the perfect storm “, says today Zaia, the governor of Veneto of the Northern League in an interview with Future.
“Covid is increasingly perceived as a problem for those who get sick and those who worry. Covid has been ‘hospitalized’, it is no longer perceived as a social problem. On the one hand there are those who fight for life, on the other I understand that perhaps it is also a way of exorcising, otherwise the gatherings in the shopping centers, in Veneto as in Rome, cannot be explained. But we must involve citizens, make them aware that by respecting the fundamental rules we could avoid many restrictions. . I say that I have closed all the shops on Sundays and I have prohibited walks through the historic centers ”.
“It would be useful to take the public to the hospitals to see what is happening, but it is not possible. But we can carry out a great information and awareness campaign that makes it clear how careful and prudent it is worth. In March, the concrete thing was the fear that by taking this disease you could die. Today, however, the perception is that only those who are unlucky or not in good health die “, adds Zaia, underlining that the recipe is to communicate” more, let’s explain more, let’s really go out together and not with a people that He feels the object of limitations that are difficult to understand. It may seem like an impossible challenge, but for me it represents the true solution ”.
New Dpcm December 2020: what will happen
What will be in the new Dpcm from December 3 to 4 Thus? The blocking of mobility between the Regions is almost certain, with few exceptions. The measures of the new Dpcm to face the coronavirus emergency will be at the center of the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces, convened by Vice President Giovanni Toti in an extraordinary session for tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. only by videoconference. There will be a single point on the agenda that provides for the examination of the proposals for the various health, social, economic and organizational measures to be adopted with the next Dpcm.
The new Dpcm of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will be launched in early December, between the 3rd and 4th of the month. It will also be configured on the basis of the comparison between the government and the regions, even if the implementation of the provision is taking shape on the basis of a prudential line, as indeed for the measures taken in recent weeks to combat the Covid emergency. in Italy. They are intense days in the Roman palaces. Refreshments quater decree, new Dpcm, recovery plan, the Month node and the update of the government program. The executive’s agenda is tight, it is involved in difficult mediation with the Regions and new restrictions are imposed within the majority. Last Friday’s summit did not close the circle and new encounters and contacts took place throughout the weekend. Now we await one more step at the table with Cts and local authorities before the signature of the prime minister, which must be placed before Thursday.
Dpcm December 3: mobility between Regions, travel restrictions, family reunification
A few days before Christmas, the interregional travel ban should take effect. A measure that should not affect those who reside in another region or who must return home. In the orange zone, according to the regulations already in force, it is not allowed to leave the Municipality itself. More freedom of movement for those who want to reach their second home within the yellow zone before blocking. For those who will be going abroad, in particular to ski in the countries that keep the ski lifts open, the return quarantine is looming.
Restaurants must be closed on December 25 and 26, while shops will remain open during the holiday period until 9:00 p.m. to avoid crowds. As far as bars and restaurants are concerned, some flexibilities are still to be seen, for example with the opening in the orange zones (more difficult to extend to the red zones). In any case, with precise and non-avoidable limitations (maximum number of seats at the table, for example six). As for the schedule, in all probability the measure will be coordinated with any curfew, which could be moved to 11:00 p.m. or midnight.
However, certain businesses such as gyms and nightclubs should remain closed. No indiscretions for now in cinemas, theaters, exhibitions and museums.
Drafts of the new Dpcm do not attract restaurateurs
If a good day starts in the morning, they will be days of great tension. The drafts of the new Dpcm circulating these days do not convince the association of Tuscan Restorers. The reopening until 6 pm around Christmas, with total closure on December 25 and San Esteban, “will not help to lift a category from its knees, one of the most penalized by the confinements.”
“The soft drinks of 10 or 20 percent of the turnover of our activities will not be enough to compensate for the closures. For the restaurateurs – declares Pasquale Naccari, president of Restaurateurs Tuscany – December, one of the most important months of the year, will be lost And we have been repeating it since September. Christmas will be red, red like our accounts, like the seal that the Government wants to put on us with all these restrictions that lead public opinion to believe that our premises are dangerous places. We will be red because we will not be able to Even if the regions go to the orange zone, as it seems to happen next Friday for Tuscany, nothing changes for the restaurants. We will remain closed. And if we go to the yellow zone around Christmas, we will not be able to open for dinner, with the lunch rotation that will never be able to cover the big losses resulting from the evening closings and, according to the drafts that are circulating, we will be ce held at Christmas, San Esteban, New Years Eve ”.
“During the Christmas holidays we had dinners with friends, with classmates, with coworkers, certainly not lunches, and this year all work will be lost. We are also concerned about a possible reopening of the restaurants. We no longer talk about that – Naccari adds – You cannot keep a sector closed forever. An option that will have repercussions on the State, which will end with hundreds of thousands of unemployed who will no longer be able to sustain with layoffs “.