Bologna, November 29, 2020 – The number of deaths related to the Coronavirus in Emilia romagna. the today’s newsletter find 30 (yesterday was 71, although some refer to previous days).
I infected go back below 2000 (but with fewer tampons) with an increasing incidence rate (13.8% against 12.6% yesterday).
As to hospitalized: patients in intensive care there are 245, unchanged from yesterday, 2,668 hospitalized in other Covid departments (-5).
With the’Rt index down and the system tracking which works better than in other regions, the critical point for Emilia Romagna remains the overcrowding of hospitals and these data with the minus sign acquire special importance.
Emilia Romagna Covid: the figures of the infections of November 29
Since the outbreak began, they have been registered in the region. 121,032 cases of positivity, 1,850 more than yesterday, out of a total of 13,434 swabs carried out in the last 24 hours (To these are also added 1,058 serological tests). The percentage of new positives over the number of swabs performed since yesterday is 13.8%.
Gods new infected, 1,067 are asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and screening activities: 399 were identified through contact tracing, 133 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 15 through serological screening, 9 through pre-hospital tests. An epidemiological investigation is still in progress for 511 cases
Overall, 272 of the new positives were already isolated at the time of swab execution and 441 were identified within known outbreaks.
The average age of new positives today is 45.3 years.
The contagion situation in the provinces sees him at the head Modena with 404 new cases, Bologna (308), Reggio emilia (227).
These are the cases of positivity in the area since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the province in which the diagnosis was made: 12,406 a Piacenza (+123 compared to yesterday, of which 43 symptomatic), 10,253 to Parma (+160, of which 95 symptomatic), 17,380 to Reggio emilia (+227 of which 114 symptomatic), 21,977 to Modena (+404, of which 111 symptomatic), 23,660 to Bologna (+308, of which 139 symptomatic), 3,408 cases a Imola (+57, of which 15 symptomatic), 5,941 years Ferrara (+88, of which 3 symptomatic), 7,880 to Ravenna (+202, of which 88 symptomatic), 4,484 to Forlì (+40, of which 24 symptomatic), 3,885 to Cesena (+58, of which 45 symptomatic) and 9,758 to Rimini (+183, of which 104 symptomatic).
Emilia-Romagna Victims of Coronavirus
Unfortunately, there are 30 new deaths: 10 in the province of Modena (7 women respectively of 99, 96, two of 92 years, 87, 78 and 69 and 3 men of 91, 82 and 77 years); 6 in the of Piacenza (4 women respectively of 86 years, two of 81 and one of 71 years and 2 men of 81 and 59 years), 6 in that of Reggio emilia (4 women of 96, 86, 74 and 54 years old and 2 men of 82 and 77 years old), 3 in the Parma (2 women of 88 and 70 years old and a man of 94 years old), 2 years Imola (a man of 96 and a woman of 91) and one in Ferrara (87-year-old man) and finally a Ravenna (a 79-year-old woman). Another 81-year-old woman who died was a resident outside the region.
In total, since the beginning of the epidemic deaths in the region were 5,714.
How many Emilia-Romagna are hospitalized in the Covid wards?
Patients admitted to intensive care 245, unchanged from yesterday, 2,668 were hospitalized in the rest Covid departments (-5).
Patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 13 to Piacenza (+1 compared to yesterday), 13 years old Parma (-2), 34 a Reggio emilia (no change), 60 a Modena (+1), 56 to Bologna (-14 to Imola (-1), 19 a Ferrara (+1), 15 to Ravenna (-1), 6 a Forlì (+2), 2 a Cesena (no change) and 23 a Rimini (unchanged).
How many and how are the patients in the region
I active cases, that is, actual patients are currently 70,229 (+448 compared to yesterday). Of these, people in isolation at home, that is, those with mild symptoms who do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, total 67,316 (+453), 95.9% of all active cases.
As for healed people in general, they are 1,372 more than yesterday and reach height 45,089.
Emilia Romagna towards the yellow zone
While the expectation for him Dpcm which will reveal how they can spend the Christmas Italians, maximum attention is paid to the progress of the pandemic since Coronavirus closely linked to decisions on the colors of the Regions: yellow zone, orange zone me Red zone.
We know that Emilia Romagna has turned orange and is anxiously waiting the transition to yellow that should arrive this week with important changes in particular in displacements come on bars and restaurants, that could be reopened.
The latest monitoring of the control room of the Ministry of Health (relating to the period of November 16 to 22) shows one in Italy decreasing curve and less pressure on Covid departments of hospitals, even if it is still “significant.” The rate of transmission of the outbreak nationwide is slowing with Rt index about 1 in many areas. In short, the effects of the restrictive measures adopted are appreciated. But 9 regions have been at high risk for more than three weeks.
“This trend should not lead to a premature relaxation of measures or a decrease in attention to behaviors. The need to maintain the drastic reduction of physical interactions between people is confirmed ”, points out the follow-up.
The other regions: less than a thousand infected in Tuscany – Covid in Marche, Acquaroli is negative – Covid figures in Veneto
Vaccine for COVID-19
Enrollment has not yet started at the Policlinico di Modena 300 volunteers to test the effectiveness of anti-Covid Oxford –Irbm vaccine – AstraZeneca. In fact, there is no trace of the toll-free number to refer to to volunteer as ‘guinea pigs’.
Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the experimental administration of the serum will begin on December 1. It has not been clarified whether the delay is due to the decision to “further investigate the vaccine” which is already in phase three.
AstraZeneca has reported in recent days that the mean efficacy, obtained from the combined analysis of two different dosage regimens, is equal to 70%. However, the deepening of the tests will not lead to stops or delays in the roadmap.
Coronavirus Italy, data and table of the Regions
Yesterday there were 26,323 positive swabs in the last 24 hours, while the victims 686 (827 on Friday). The positivity rate has fallen by almost11.7%, 1.1% less compared to 24 hours before. the intensive therapy For him SARS-CoV-2 they have fallen by 20, bringing the number of jobs held to 3,762. THE hospitalizations in ordinary departments, on the other hand, they registered a negative balance of 385 units.
As soon as today’s data from the Ministry of Health, we will inform them in this article.
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