While companies sound the alarm, the government defines the final details of the plan for the distribution of the Covid vaccine in Italy
Pending the ‘date x’ of December 3, in which the Minister of Health Roberto hope will announce in Parliament the distribution plan for the anti-Covid vaccine in Italy, the government and the extraordinary commissioner Domenico Bows they are finalizing the last steps.
According to ‘La Repubblica’, the plan foresees one hub for every 30,000 inhabitants, with drive in, gyms, field hospitals, Also general practitioners, hospitals me easily accessible health facilities.
In addition, according to the plan, the Army will be directly involved, along with the ASL health personnel.
A communication campaign is also planned to raise public awareness about vaccination and explain the modalities of the campaign.
Citizens will be able to follow the doses of the vaccine and know where and when to get vaccinated against Covid in a dedicated portal.
Still, as reported by ‘La Repubblica’, some companies in the sector are, however, very concerned, both about the “delayed schedule” and the lack of “cold rooms, syringes and needles.” The government and the ministry, on the other hand, are convinced that they are on time.
The distribution plan for the Covid vaccine moves along two lines: that of the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine (which must be stored at a temperature of around -75 degrees) and that of the vaccines produced by Moderna and Oxford / Astrazeneca (which instead withstand higher and more manageable temperatures).
Commissioner Arcuri asked Pfeizer to directly manage logistics and, therefore, in Italy it will be the pharmaceutical company itself that will take it to 100 places already identified by the Commissioner for the Regions.
The container with which the anti-Covid vaccine will be sent to Italy is still unknown (if already in syringes, as the Government expects, or in powder form). The choice of places for it will also depend on this.
VIRGILIO NEWS | 11-29-2020 12:06
Photo Source: Ansa