
Francesco Bertolini
I often come across people with two masks, one on top of the other. This morning I asked an elegant Milanese woman why she was so prudent; the answer left me without comment. Since the most professional was already over the allowed time limit, he used a surgical one below, but kept the most professional because it was aesthetically more beautiful. That is, he breathed who knows what filth, connected to the misuse of a professional mask to convey a message of elegance.
One of the many absurdities related to the virus. Qantas, the Australian flag carrier, announced today that it will apply for a health passport proving vaccination against Covid in order to fly on intercontinental routes. Thus, the world seems to be moving steadily and compactly towards mass vaccination and anyone who tries to show any sign of indecision is immediately indicted by the Scientific Technical Committee and their sycophantic crew of servers. One is immediately associated with no vax when some strange things are noticed.

The frenzied announcements by pharmaceutical companies about the efficacy of the vaccine without anyone having access to the data, the sale of the shares by the CEO of Pfizer on the day of the announcement of the vaccine and the billionaire and connected power not even may shyly whisper. The cries for help of instrumented nurses and doctors complete the circle; their insults to the deniers, who, they say, hospital treatment should be excluded, are picked up and manipulated by the system that does not accept criticism, even though the Italian figures should suggest a less arrogant approach on the part of those who govern this phase .
Since no one has understood anything about how this virus is actually transmitted, why people with multiple masks who sanitize their hands 30 times a day end up in intensive care and absolutely nothing happens to others, a little humility would be appropriate . If you take this line, you should no longer treat smokers, victims of traffic accidents caused by speeding or alcohol and drugs, even the obese responsible for eating like hungry pigs. Not to mention the tax evaders, responsible for the lack of beds and intensive care. For decades I have been hearing the lottery numbers on tax evasion in this country, which amount to 120 billion a year.
And every time I wonder why, if the exact figure is estimated so accurately, these blessed tax evaders are not going to look for them; if you know what the quantity is, you also know the source of the leak. But no, it is more convenient to always have an enemy to blame; Blame it on a total inability to govern this pandemic, which has pushed us back rapidly among the countries with the highest mortality in the world, more than the US, more than Brazil and more than any other OECD country, excluding Belgium and Spain. Enough of this history of civic responsibility; it is time and now that those who are truly responsible bear the consequences.