“Rapid tests on 900 thousand volunteers”. Here’s who’s first. The announcement of Acquaroli in quarantine


ANCONA – Mass projection in the style of South Tyrol. Also in Marche, starting in the next few weeks, the tracking of Covid-19 infections in a large part of the population will begin – the objective would be to analyze between 800 thousand and 900 thousand people – through the administration of the rapid antigenic swab . This exam will be free and voluntary.

The objective

This was announced yesterday by Governor Francesco Acquaroli in quarantine, announcing that “for a few days, together with the councilor (of Health, Filippo Saltamartini, ed.) And the offices, we have been working to prepare a massive projection to try to stop the contagion and slow down the third wave. We think that, together with all the ordinances and the multiple recommendations – observes the president – it is important to support prevention actions by implementing a thorough investigation of all those cases that could be positive even if they are asymptomatic, in order to reduce the effects of the virus. ” The Red Cross and the University, with which the agreement is being defined, will participate in the contagion mapping, but an initial availability would have already been guaranteed. “The projection will be based on two phases – Acquaroli always defines the contours of the large-scale operation -: the first will involve cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants, and the second will involve all the others with less than 20,000 inhabitants. The rapid antigenic swab will be used and participation is obviously free and voluntary. In case of positivity, in any case, confirmation of the classic molecular test will be necessary, still considered the only gold standard for the detection of Covid. As anticipated by the Corriere Adriatico, the Region also joined the Piedmont leader to send 2.2 million rapid antigen tests to Marche: a national agreement to find the swabs on the market and 47 supplier companies would be ready to respond on appeal. .


At the moment, the scientific evaluation is being carried out to verify the validity of the offers (starting price: 5 euros per pad). This general screening campaign is therefore part of a series of measures, aimed at enhancing monitoring, that Palazzo Raffaello has been carrying out for weeks. For example, the agreement made with the 49 private analysis laboratories to expand the audience of the performers of antigenic swabs, to which is added the comparison with general practitioners and pediatricians who have the same objective and which should soon come to an end . Then there is the agreement with Federfarma to carry out serological tests in pharmacies and the request for validation of the so-called “self-tests” proposed by Veneto, in order to also use this tool.

Sauce buffers

The shortage of processed tampons in relation to the number of inhabitants was one of the causes that caused the Marche region to slide from the yellow zone to the orange zone and the massive screening with antigenic agents can help to take a picture of the state of infection among the population to identify more precisely where to direct the action of molecular tests. “We are happy to be able to announce this action because we consider it essential for the safety of our fellow citizens,” concludes the governor, “to ease the burden on health facilities and, finally, to try to limit the damage to the economic sector. In the meantime, let’s say we are proud of this initiative. A twin operation was said to have been carried out in South Tyrol, where the goal was to test 70% of the population with 350,000 tests. The “participation” was 63.9%.


