The slogan is maximum caution. And so, while we think about the knot of Christmas trips, the hypothesis of a return to school in December, with the support of Minister Lucía Azzolina: the government is oriented towards reopening the classrooms on January 7, after the holidays, thus accepting the requests of the Presidents of the Region. However, the issue of displacement between regions remains, with the return home at Christmas, the main problem that the government must solve for the next Dpcm.
This is not a small thing also because the executive, considering the cooling of the contagion curve, expects an almost completely yellow Italy by mid-December, which would mean – according to current regulations – freedom of movement: a mobility that could multiply to infections a bit like it happened on August 15th. “The curve has cooled down and in the next few days it will fall below 1, in mid-December all of Italy is likely to be yellow – this is the reasoning of a senior government source – but we cannot reopen on Christmas and New Years with the risk of having to close again in February due to a third wave.
Ultimately, the objective could be a new Dpcm in the coming days with homogeneous rules for the whole country as of December 4 and a kind of ‘reinforced yellow’ to reconcile health and economic needs. The dichotomy of all time. Established that there will not be everything free for the holidays or holidays in the snow, it is in the majority and in the conversation with the experts about the movements between regions to reach loved ones. Limits and exceptions have not yet been established; one hypothesis is to allow the return to the residence and the reunification with the elderly parents (with self-certification).

Piedmont, Cirio: we will make up lost school days
“I have already spoken with the director of the school’s regional office and as of Monday we will work together to reshape the school calendar for the current year and recover from the spring, when the emergency ends, the days of attendance that have been lost”. This was announced by the president of Piedmont region, Alberto Cirio, who signed the ordinance confirming dad for the second and third grade until December 23. “Bringing all Piedmont students back to school is a top priority – concludes Cirio -. That is why I want to reassure those who are rightly concerned that our children may be penalized for a school lived at a distance.
“We must have common sense and be prudent not to cancel all the sacrifices made so far,” continues Cirio, who speaks of “a painful but necessary choice. Reopening the school is not a priority: it is the priority, he adds. That is precisely why it is essential to do it safely, so as not to run the risk of having to close again in a month. The president reiterates that “Piedmont has developed a transportation plan and schedules that I think it would be convenient to adopt at the national level, if we really want to guarantee school in presence. Because leaving without changing the conditions of school transport and without staggering the time of entry to school, to allow more shifts of public transport that travel at 50%, he says, means exposing yourself to the very real risk of a new stop in a month. , which would be even more damaging near the eighth grade and high school exams. Without considering the impact around the holidays. Cirio recalls that “there are about 15 actual school days between now and Epiphany. Two weeks in which the children run a real risk of being infected again in the pre and post school years, and then carry the virus to the family just when they spend days of celebration with their relatives, starting with their grandparents ”.
Last update: November 29 at 01:12 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED