The Christmas rules in the time of Covid-19 are practically written. Between tomorrow and Tuesday, a new presentation will be given to the Dpcm on December 4, but, after another majority summit, now “the panorama is almost defined”, it filters more than one minister.
They will be armored parties. With dinners, lunches and bingo reserved only for “close relatives, eventually partners”. With anticipated Mass on Christmas Eve at 8:00 p.m. or 9:00 p.m. so as not to violate the curfew, which will be confirmed and will start from 10:00 p.m. (without exception for Christmas and New Years). No skis, no bars and restaurants closed on December 25 and in Santo Stefano. And no parties at home or on the street on the last day of the year. With a question mark still standing: what exceptions will be made to the ban on crossing regional borders, which will also apply to the yellow band regions?
But let’s go in order. To face “the Christmas risk”, to avoid “a third wave in January with new deaths and collapse of intensive care”, even if now the epidemic is slowing down: yesterday 26,323 new positives and 686 deaths, the positivity rate fell 11, 6% – Giuseppe Conte is preparing to sign a new Dpcm that will prohibit moving from one Region to another around Christmas: from December 19 or 23 (until January 6 or 10). And for that reason it will block “Christmas migrations”, avoiding “forms of aggregation, gatherings or groups of people who come from different places, themselves carriers of risks linked to different epidemiological frameworks”, according to Silvio Brusaferro, president of the Faculty of Health .
However, the Prime Minister, supported by 5Stelle, would like to authorize Italians to return to their region of residence at Christmas and would like to grant an exemption to the blockade of mobility between regions to allow the “family reunification” of “relatives of first grade”. This is to avoid the “loneliness of the elderly”. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, supported by virologists and epidemiologists, by Francesco Boccia (Regions), Dario Franceschini (Culture), Roberto Gualtieri (Economy), is more cautious. Before you give the green light to the two exceptions, you want to thoroughly evaluate the data on the spread of the virus between now and December 4. But the yes is likely to finally come.
Always with the aim of avoiding contagion in the family (they are 80% of the total) and protect “the elderly” and, therefore, avoid dinners, busy lunches, bingo with family and friends, the government of the Dpcm will confirm the touch curfew at 10 pm (also at Christmas and New Years). And it will introduce the “recommendation” (not the obligation) to stay at home “only with people who live together.” And if quick swabs are probably recommended, the six-guest limit should not be reiterated.
Another pillar of the strategy to “avoid the Ferragosto encore” and the feared third wave of the epidemic in January, is the stoppage of the ski season and the closure of the “mountain hotels” until January 10. This measure will be accompanied by a 14-day quarantine obligation for those returning from Austria and Switzerland (where the ski lifts will be open).
The government originally intended to reopen secondary schools on December 9. But the stop of the Regions has arrived. So the Executive advances so that everyone returns to classes on January 7, although the hypothesis advances (supported by Conte and especially by Minister Lucía Azzolina) of bringing 50% of face-to-face teaching in the regions with the lowest contagion rate. However, many are betting on high schools closing until January 7.
The hypothesis of a new decree next to the holidays disappears, after the one of December 4. “We must give certainty to the public,” Speranza explained during the summit, “whoever is organizing Christmas is doing it now. We cannot tell you if you will be able to move from one Region to another within a few days of Christmas Eve. We must do it immediately. Next Friday.
Last update: 00:44