Veronica was 33 years old and already a girl


He dies of COVID-19, in the fourth month of pregnancy. Mourning for a Nocera Inferiore: the lawyer passed away at the age of 33 Veronica style. Already the mother of a 3-year-old girl, she was pregnant in the fourth month of pregnancy and was married to Rosario Stanzione, an entrepreneur and former soccer player from Naples and Nocerina. She had been hospitalized for a few days in Naples, following some complications from the virus. A news that shocked the community of the Municipality of Salerno.

Posted by Telenuova on Friday, November 27, 2020

«A girl, a colleague, a young mother disappeared today – writes the mayor of Nocera Inferiore, Manlio Torquato on Facebook – I cannot say now how much Covid has to do with this tragedy. But any cause does not explain and does not make it acceptable that a girl, beautiful, flourishing and carrier of another life with her, can leave.».

«Nocerina – writes Casa Nocera – at all levels, embraces Rosario Stanzione, an entrepreneur, former Molosser footballer, in the recent past near the club, hit at this time by a serious duel, the premature death of his beloved wife Veronica Stile. The president Paolo Maiorino, the managers and collaborators, the press office, the players and the squad share the pain of the two families». Many messages of pain and condolence from friends, acquaintances but also ordinary citizens. Fioravante Polito Foundation «he learns with consternation the news of the death of the lawyer Verónica Stile, wife of his friend Rosario Stanzione, who has added the blood passport with the Futsal Park sports center. The Foundation remembers moved by the lawyer. Stile signed the new bill on the blood passport during the 10th Andrea Fortunato prize in Rome and by expressing his deepest condolences to the family he intends to remember her with gratitude by posting this picture of him.».

Last updated: 22:53

