What are the most common symptoms in patients who died from COVID in Italy?


Despite being a respiratory pathogen, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus responsible of COVID-19 can affect almost all the districts of our organism in the serious and critical way ofinfection. The main culprits are me blood clots and an exaggerated response from immune system, the call “cytokine storm”, Which in turn can trigger acute respiratory distress syndrome or ARDS. ARDS is usually a fatal disease. The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) periodically publishes bulletins related to the characteristics of patients who died in Italy due to the infection, with interesting information on pre-existing pathologies, middle age me symptoms already present before admission.

In the last bulletin on Wednesday, November 25, a sample of 49,931 deceased patients was involved, just under half of whom (20,978, 42 percent) lost their lives in the Region Lombardy, the most affected during the first and second waves of infections. Average age of deceased patients who tested positive for SARS coronavirus-https: //twitter.com/istsupsan/status/1332351158531334146CoV-2 after oro-rhinopharyngeal tampon and of 80 years, and shows a very slight decrease (79 years) in the fourth week of November. Among the almost 50 thousand deaths reported, the woman they are just over 21 thousand. This means that out of every three deaths caused by COVID-19, there are two mens. Regarding the symptoms detected before admission, as reported by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 71 percent presented temperature; 73 percent dyspnoea (difficulty breathing); 34 percent the cough; 6 percent the diarrhea and only 1 percent ofemottisi, that is, the loss of nosebleeds. 8.1% of the patients who died from the infection did not present any symptoms upon admission. Remember that, unlike theinfluenza, in COVID-19 the fever occurs before the cough with greater frequency, and the evolution of the symptoms is milder and not sudden and virulent.

Based on data published by the World Health Organization (who), by the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and by the Ministry of Health, the incubation period the average of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is 4-5 days. This means that symptoms appear approximately 5 days after exposure to the pathogen (contagion), although the “fork” of the incubation period ranges from two days to two weeks. The CDC notes that about 40 percent of infections are asymptomaticWhile of the remaining 60 percent have symptoms, a fifth progress to the severe and life-threatening form of the disease. As the data of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) show, the complications occur more frequently in old man and with comorbilità, or more pathologies. Among the 50,000 deaths included in the bulletin, the average was 3.6 pathologies per patient (65.7 percent had at least three). Only 3.2 percent of the total (178 patients) did not have any pre-existing disease. The most widespread diseases were Hypertension arterial, Diabetes Type 2 mellitus, Heart disease ischemic Atrial fibrillation me Dementia.
