A night of parallel negotiations, before the traumatic awakening. At 10 in the morning, the hypothesis of the tear: the internal count in Forza Italia for the dissenting vote of Cav. Then the Quirinale thought prevails. But the leaders of Lega and FdI demand Brunetta and Gelmini’s scalp
At some point, the breakup was even planned. When Matteo Salvini faced Antonio Tajani and Licia Ronzulli, at dawn on Thursday, in his studio in Montecitorio, the hypothesis was on the table. “If I tell my parents to refrain from deviance, what are you doing?”. Perhaps it is a provocation, an outlet for accumulated anger. The fact is that at that time a group of Berlusconi deputies was summoned by Andrea Mandelli, that among the pro-Italian blues is one of the colonels of the Chamber, and the fateful question has been heard: “Would you be willing to vote against the group?”. To which they jumped, because half an hour before they had heard it by the voice of the Cav., the categorical imperative: “We vote for the deviation because our proposals on freelancers and VAT numbers have been accepted by the government.” And when Antonio Martino, a deputy from Abruzzo who on the other hand is very allergic to the call of trucism, had asked if the order of the team was independent of what Lega and Fratelli d’Italia would have done, Silvio Berlusconi had been clear: “We must vote in favor, and we hope the allies will follow us”.
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