UDINE – The Udine Prosecutor, following a complaint from the family, opened an investigation into the sudden death of Carlo Quazzo, 51 years old, from Lestizza (Udine), who died on November 20, ten days after ligation of esophageal varices, due to uncontrollable bleeding.
For now we are prosecuting strangers for the hypothesis of the crime of homicide. The medical records were seized and the autopsy report was ordered for Thursday, December 3, at the San Vito di Udine cemetery, where the body is kept awaiting burial: the funeral has already been held. Quazzo, who in addition to his wife leaves behind four children, two of whom are still small, had undergone a ligation of esophageal varices, a perfectly successful operation according to the doctors, so much so that he was discharged the next day, which is the case. November 11th. Ten days later, the man suddenly woke up with a feeling of disorder in his stomach and, above all, he began to vomit blood. His wife drove him to the emergency room in Udine, where he died a few hours later from “uncontrolled blood loss from esophageal varices.” The family’s complaint aims to clarify, “if there is any criminal responsibility on the part of health workers in death and, in particular, if this goes back to incorrect treatments during surgery immediately a few days before precisely to varicose veins esophageal “. “.
Last updated: 12:04