“For a few days, together with the councilor and the offices, we have been working on preparing a massive screening that will be launched in the coming weeks to try to stop the infection and stop the third wave.” This was announced by Francesco Acquaroli, Governor of Marche, who is currently in preventive isolation after his wife’s coronavirus positivity.
“We think that, together with all the ordinances and the many recommendations, it is important to support prevention actions by implementing a thorough investigation of all those cases that could be positive even if they are asymptomatic, in order to reduce the effects of the virus – Acquaroli continues -. This screening will begin in the coming weeks. and it will involve the Red Cross and the University, with which the agreement is being defined but which have already given their availability. The projection will be based on two phases. The first will involve cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants, e the second all the others with less than 20,000 inhabitants. the The rapid antigen swab and participation is obviously free and voluntary.. We are happy to announce this action because we believe that it is essential for the safety of our fellow citizens, to alleviate the burden on health facilities and, finally, to try to limit the damage to the economic sector. In the meantime, let’s say we are proud of this initiative. We will update you as soon as possible with all the information ».