New Dpcm Christmas 2020: the Government studies the rules for the holidays – Chronicle


Milan, November 28, 2020 – Will it be an armored Christmas? He untied the knot of band changes for regions (with Lombardy arriving in the orange zone starting tomorrow) now eyes are on new Dpcm of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, expected in the next few days. A decree that must find a balance between economics and health. At present, the maximum caution line. The goal is to avoid mistakes made during the summer and avoid the arrival of a third wave. And there will also be a special follow-up Lombardy: in the region most affected by the Covid-19 emergency there are forbidden mistakes. The data refer to a substantial improvement in the situation (precisely by virtue of the numbers it was possible to move to the orange zone) but it is not possible to lower our guard given the still substantial number of daily infections (only yesterday 5,389 new cases) and pressure on hospitals (although with a significant decrease in hospitalizations). To untie the comb knots again, a new summit is scheduled during the day. Decisions are not yet sealed. The consolidated figure? the dpcm that will go into effect on December 4 must confirm the division of the country into red, orange and yellow zones. But the conscience is that, if the contagion curve continues its trend, By mid-December, all of Italy could be all yellow. We got to the crucial points. At present, the line of not allowing travel between Yellow Regions prevails except to meet first degree relatives or if they reside in that Region. For second residences, it will only be possible to move there if you live in the yellow regions, as long as it is confirmed the no to the reopening of the ski resorts (a very important issue in Lombardy) and the obligation to swab / quarantine for those traveling abroad. However, the decision on the schedule is still open. curfew and its eventual change. And it is Regions-Government arm wrestling in schools.

Brusaferro: “Attention, we need a different Christmas”

From the scientific world the call to prudence. Regarding Christmas trips, as technical-scientific organizations we can say that we are in a phase in which the incidence of Covid-19 is very high and generalized in all regions, although with differences, and I believe that the next few weeks will be very critical. The risk is that these numbers that we see deviating thanks to the sacrifices will restart – recalled the president of the Higher Institute of Health (Iss) Silvio Brusaferro -. I think, then, that it will be necessary to imagine a Christmas with its own uniqueness compared to previous years, where affections, aggregations, closeness and sharing will have to be lived in Covid size. Now is the time to lower the curve and I think with these numbers it is difficult to imagine any kind of change in ‘mass’. ”

Down here, the latest news on the key points of the Dpcm

Moving around at Christmas

At Christmas, movements between regions are limited to residents. The government would be moving towards this perspective, but an exception could be family reunification. In addition to returning to the residence address, in the case of lonely elderly people, the possibility of moving from one region to another could be allowed.

Transfers between regions

The government’s intention would be to prohibit movement even among those regions that will enter the yellow risk band. The governors are against it, fearing a new, very hard blow to the economy and tourism. Therefore, exceptions are not excluded.

Ski resorts

The ski reopening remains an international problem, since other countries neighboring the EU could allow it, thus also attracting our compatriots. But Rome’s position is clear. “The plants will reopen when the epidemic has cooled down, within a month, a month and a half,” therefore after the Epiphany. A very important knot in Lombardy, where the Christmas without skiing risks expensive: 700 million of the approximately 10 billion in turnover generated at a national level by winter tourism linked to snow – according to estimates by Confindustria and Anef (National Association of cable car operators) – come from Valtellina and the provinces of Bergamo, Brescia, Lecco, Como. Two thirds of the income is concentrated in a month, from December 8 – the feast of the Immaculate Conception that coincides with the opening of the ski season – until the Epiphany.


Restaurants are also closed at Christmas and San Esteban: This would be one of the decisions towards which the government and the majority are heading.


In the school there is a wall against the wall between the Government and the regions.. The battle concerns the reopening of secondary schools. The Regions yesterday, in the meeting with Minister Boccia, expressed their opinion opposition to a green light in December. Everyone discharges responsibility for transportation: reopening is moving away, the game could be postponed until after Epiphany. However, the government insists: we must leave again on December 9.

Shops and curfew

With respect to stores, you go to an opening until 9pm to avoid crowds and staggered entrances. And the shopping centers? They may not close on weekends and holidays. In this case, the curfew could be postponed until 11 pm During Christmas and New Years there may be an additional extension beyond 24 hours.

Forbidden parties

One thing seems certain: no to parties in public and private places. For private homes, the recommendation to limit the number of guests and diners at the table is being considered in the Dpcm: the government could suggest not to meet more than 6 – 8 people.

The other news about Covid:

Brusaferro (Iss) on Covid infections: “The curve goes down. Christmas, not the rallies”

Lombardy, Orange Twist: High School Lessons and Stores Open

Deaths and serious patients: the virus on the swing in Lombardy / GRAPH

The other side of the Covid drama: “Nobody helps my brothers anymore”

Christmas: the magic of the eve mass. But baby Jesus was not born at midnight
