Ipsos survey, Giorgia Meloni exceeds M5S. The League backs down, by the consensus of Prime Minister Conte – Il Tempo


Giorgia Meloni for the first time in front of the M5, the League backs down, approval for Prime Minister Conte drops. This is the photograph of the last Ipsos survey signed Nando Pagnoncelli and published by Corriere della Sera: the second wave of coronavirus it causes the consensus towards the Government to fall again and the Prime Minister to fall to the lowest level since the beginning of the pandemic when the inexorable decline of the Five Star Movement begins.

The leader satisfaction ranking marks the overtaking by Giorgia Meloni (36) on Roberto Speranza (35). To the third place fits Matteo Salvini (33), 2 points up, Nicola Zingaretti stable at 29, Luigi Di Maio e Silvio Berlusconi equal to 25. In terms of voting intentions, the League is confirmed in first place with 25.5% and rises 1%. Followed by the Democratic Party with 20.6%, at the levels of the end of October, then Brothers from Italy (15.5%) that, although it fell 0.4%, skip the M5S (15%, 0.9% less). Forza Italia falls to fifth place with 8%.

“Even in the presence of widespread concern about the health situation – writes the He ran – Opinions are divided as to the dangerousness of the virus compared to the first phase: 45% consider it less aggressive while 46% do not consider it different. “From the survey a greater pessimism emerges:” The feeling of intolerance among the first and fatigue between the second – underlines the Corriere della Sera – Not even the prospect of the vaccine being available soon favors the improvement of the social climate: in fact, only one in three Italians intends to be vaccinated as soon as possible, one in six declares against the vaccine and the Relative majority (41%) express caution and prefer to wait to know the efficacy and risks associated with possible side effects. Furthermore, pessimism about the country’s economic situation is increasing: 61% expect a worsening, while two months ago the pessimists were 42% “.
