Brusaferro (Iss): “Christmas must be lived in a Covid dimension. It is impossible to imagine mass movements, wait for the next few weeks”


“We will have to imagine a Christmas in which the affections, the closeness and sharing we will have to live them in one Covid size. With these numbers it is impossible to imagine massive displacements, ways to aggregation, encounters of people who come from different contexts and risk areas. I think we will have to make this kind of consideration in the coming weeks, after lowering the curve. The president ofHigher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro, during the press conference at the Ministry of Health on the analysis of regional monitoring data, it was confirmed that there are “positive signs” about the evolution of the pandemic, but certainly not enough to think about important loosen up restrictions during holidays. “The error The worst thing we can do at this stage is relax: if we let go of our attention in a week or two the curve restarts“.

Therefore, “movements that lead to places where it is added, whether carried out in Italy or abroad, do not change from the epidemiological point of view, they should be avoided and discouraged. Our attention as citizens should lead us to plan these relaxation periods in a different way. There are trading desks open at European level to find ways to reduce the probability of these events occurring ”. “Unimaginable me incompatible With the current situation, think about having gatherings in the squares to celebrate the new year ”, confirms the president of the Higher Health Council. Franco Locatelli. Is the same celebration del Natale must be compatible with the measures already agreed upon with the to avoid that it could result in the creation of transmission outbreaks ”. Locatelli also reiterates that allowing skiing during the holidays is out of the question: “The current figures are not compatible with theopening of ski resorts. I hope that the EU countries can deliver a strong and unique message and I am sure they will. “

“Very high and generalized incidence” although the incidence per 100,000 inhabitants decreases – “We continue in a phase of very high and generalized incidence in all the Regions”, said Brusaferro. There Transmission speed of Covid 19 is slowing down and “for the first time, even theincidence per 100 thousand inhabitants it falls slightly thanks to the measures put in place ”by the government. At the same time, in addition, “there is a decrease a bit all over Europe“However, these signs do not mean that we can.”chill out“.” Ten regions are still at high risk and nine have been for more than three weeks, “recalls the president of ISS.” We must continue dramatically reduce physical interactions, avoid all occasions of aggregation, avoid gatherings of all forms, and make sure distance, mask use and hand hygiene are automatic behaviors. Just as it is important respect quarantine if you have adjusted contracts of a positive and theisolation if you have been infected. “

Rt is decreasing, but remains above one – “The only way to reduce cases is to have an Rt below 1. We are still in the mitigation phase,” explains Brusaferro. The income curve “of the occupancy of medical and intensive care beds begins to move towards flattening. It is an important fact. We have always said that the first investment signal is thecontagion rate Rt, then I symptomatic cases, the third sign is thebed occupancy and unfortunately the last one is deceased, still very high. “

The probability of saturation of intensive care is decreasing. – In addition, “almost all regions have implemented resources for which today we can see one Decreased probability of complete saturation. of the intensive therapy“But the incidence of Covid-19” remains quite high in particular in some realities and we must quickly bring it to double digits, “President Iss stressed. The” average age “of Covid cases in Italy is” around at 48 years old“This indicates that older people are contracting the infection. Hence the importance of protecting these categories. For him passed away the average age exceeds 80 years.

“In the next few weeks, avoid aggregations or the curve will restart” – It is in this context that the government will have to make decisions on what to allow and what not during the Christmas season. “I think the next few weeks are very critical regarding our ability to respect distances and avoid aggregations,” Brusaferro emphasizes. “If we didn’t, the result would be that the numbers we see now change they would leave again. If I participate in one Shooting OR appetizer between friends without a mask in three or four days could be positive. “” 2020 will be a Different christmas the first and hopefully the last. This diversity must be clearly indicated, leaving the government to find a solution to reconcile it, “added Locatelli, after confirming that” for the first time we are registering a decreasing trend in the cases and this confirms the importance of the measures. It is to serve only as incentive and motivation to keep going in this direction. Now the percentage of positives in tampons is between 11 and 12%, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. THE deaths will be the last to decline and meanwhile it serves Avoid a loss of attention message., in particular for the regions that change to less marked colors ”.

“At least one vaccine seems to be able to prevent the transmission of the virus” – When asked if it is true that I vaccinated they can still to broadcast the virus, Locatelli replied that the type of immunity conferred by the incoming vaccines against Covid-19 “is yet to be defined with the data for the next few months. From the information available from the press releases, and not from the scientific studies reviewed, at least one of the vaccines appears to confer sterilizing immunity “, that is, to avoid contagion and therefore the transmission of the virus. In general, vaccines “are capable of conferring immunity to disease or sterilizing immunity. In the first case, the vaccinated person is protected and does not develop serious manifestations of Covid-19 such as respiratory failure, which is what then leads him to intensive care. In the second case, the vaccinated person does not become infected if exposed to the virus and, therefore, cannot infect. This type of immunity is undoubtedly more useful to abrogate the viral circulation, but the other result is also very appreciable ”.
