Rome, November 27, 2020 – The CDM has decided and appointed “Dr. Guido Longo which Commissioner ad acta for the implementation of the current Plan to compensate the deficits of the Health Service of the Calabria Region “. After a series of exemptions, it gives Saverio Cotticelli to Eugenio Gaudio, also going through Giuseppe Zuccatelli and Miozzo’s hypothesis, CTS coordinator, Calabria now trustsformer prefect of Vibo Valentia, “a man of institutions, which has already operated in Calabria, always in defense of legality“is what the Prime Minister wrote on Twitter, Giuseppe Conte, at the end of the Cdm. “The appointment of the prefect Guido Longo, a man who has always fought for legality and against organized crime, is the right choice for Calabrian healthcare,” added the minister and head of delegation of the M5, Alfonso Good faith -. With this decision, the State will be able to make its presence felt ”. Meanwhile, given the trend of infections and the latest monitoring data from the ISS-Ministry of Health, it is preparing to change color and move from the red zone, the maximum. Covid-19 risk, to the orange intermediate.
Longo: “I’m going to Calabria with my heart”
“I am going to Calabria to try to give something concrete to the Calabrians, because I go there with my heart as well as with the professional career that I carry with me. “Thus the new Calabrian health commissioner, the prefect Guido Niccolò Longo, intervening by phone during the transmission of Title V. The first thing to do?” I have to see the situation a bit. In a real way, many things are said and written, but then you have to look at them and evaluate them directly, “added the new commissioner.
Who is Guido Longo
Guido Longo, appointed health commissioner in Calabria tonight, has 68 years and was born in Catania. I graduated in law at the University of Catania and is licensed to practice law. Winner of the contest, in 1978 he entered the career of Public Safety Officer. In 1979 he was awarded the “Luigi Calabresi” prize as the best student of the Superior Police School. Also in the same year, he was assigned to the Reggio Calabria Police Headquarters with the task of directing a Section of the local Flying Squad, later, also of the local Flying Squad, he held the position of Director of the Homicide Section, coordinating operations very important of international importance. After his first experience at the Reggio police headquarters, he was in Palermo during the 92 massacres, first in the Flying Squad as director of the narcotics and murders sections and then as deputy director of the Dia center, then in Naples, in Rome. promoted to central service, in Caserta after the Castelvolturno massacre, then again in Reggio and Palermo. In Campania we owe him the important results anti-mafia operations, including the capture of the Casalesi superlatives Antonio Iovine, Michele Zagaria and the absolute leader of the Francesco Schiavone clan known as “Sandokan”. Has been prefect of Vibo Valentia from March 2017 to May 30, 2018, when he was discharged due to age limits. Since last July 28, he has been in charge of the commissioner of the Partinico City Council, in Sicily.
The duties of the new commissioner
But let us see in detail what are the tasks that will be entrusted to the new commissioner. The CDM resolution establishes that Longo will have “the priority task of implementing the operational programs 2019-2021 continuation of the amortization plan, as well as all the necessary interventions to ensure, in a uniform manner throughout the region, the provision of essential levels of assistance in conditions of efficiency, adequacy, safety and quality “.” In the context of the current regulatory framework – the resolution continues – the Commissioner ad acta “various interventions and, among them,” the adoption of all the necessary initiatives to return the level of provision of the essential levels of assistance to the standards of reference, in particular with regard to compliance with cancer screening, allterritorial assistance and the quality and safety ofhospital care“as well as the” completion and implementation of the plan network reorganization hospital, the emergency-urgency network and the time-dependent networks, in line with the care needs “and the” definition and implementation of specialized clinical networks. “Among the interventions also the” follow-up of procedures for the implementation of new hospitals“, the definition of spending caps and the consequent contracts with accredited private providers for the purchase of health services in line with the care needs, with the activation, in case of non-stipulation of the contract and redefinition of the rates of health services, in compliance with the provisions In the law. in force. “Implementation” of the new tasks assigned to the Commissioner ad acta by law decree November 10, 2020, n. 150 “and among them the adoption of the” Operational Program for the Covid-19 emergency management“.
Spirlì: “We will be by your side”
“Without prejudice to the fact that the instrument of the commissioner continues to be an offense to the institutional capacity of the Calabrians, we take note of the election of the Government, to which we have collaborated positive opinion, and immediately we get down to work to guarantee the new ad acta commissioner, Prefect Guido Longo, the maximum collaboration at a time of obvious serious health emergency, and not only because of the Covid-19 attacks “. acting president of the regional council of Calabria, Nino Spirlì. “The new commissioner – continues the president – will have to solve the long-standing suffering of Calabrians who suffer from cancer, for which they wear the uncomfortable clothes of desperate travelers. Of heart patients and diabetics. Of those suffering from genetic diseases. young people. and less young people with mental and physical disorders. They will have to deal with the rubble of hospitals built and never baptized, of hospitals that have already reached their architectural and instrumental agony, of half-empty and half-full hospitals, orphans of staff of all the levels. ”Spirlì continues,“ she will have to deal with a local medicine that has never been born or was born bad, left to itself, without the attention of the Palazzo, although it is not offended by the annihilating bureaucratic silences. You will have to deal with the arrogant entrenchment of the managers. Irresponsible, deaf to the telephone bells, the knocks on the door, the verbal requests or those entrusted to the real and virtual pen, he will have to take charge of making human what has not been human, until now, in the shattered universe of the calabria healthcare. We can stand by him, if you like “, concludes Spirlì.
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