The curve relative to the occupation of beds and intensive therapy it goes towards flattening. While the death toll is still very high. “The worst mistake we can make at this stage is to relax: if we stop paying attention in a week or two the curve restarts”Thus, the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Silvio Brusaferro, at the press conference on the analysis of the data of the Regional Monitoring of the Control Room, linked to COVID-19. Ironbrush then asks “Avoid all occasions of aggregation” and “avoid meetings in every way.” “The Christmas it will have its own uniqueness “but this is the time to” lower the curve. “With these numbers it is very difficult to imagine any kind of mass movement, aggregations and concentrations” in particular of people who come from different epidemiological backgrounds.». There is no “data offset” even in case of delays, Brusaferro assures, explaining that even if there are delays due to untimely loading in the notification of Covid cases “the system takes them into account and even if they arrive days late, they are always attributed to the time phase to the that correspond “.
“For the first time we are registering a downward trend in cases and this confirms the importance of the measures. It should only serve as an incentive and motivation to move in this direction. Now the percentage of positives in tampons is between 11 and 12%, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Deaths will be the last to decrease and in the meantime we must avoid a message of carelessness, in particular for the regions that pass in less marked colors, they continue to be responsible behavior ”. Hence the president of the Higher Health Council, Franco Locatelli.
Downward curve, but virus still dangerous “New peak expected in three weeks”
Covid, Italy bulletin November 27: 28,352 infections and 827 deaths today. The report of new cases-tampons goes back
“The speed of transmission is slowing down and the incidence in 100,000 inhabitants is also beginning to deviate” and “it is happening significantly throughout the country.” Despite the reassuring data, “we shouldn’t just kick back and relax.” Even because “An Rt still slightly above 1 leads to an increase in cases.” In 9 regions, the risk has been high for more than 3 weeks. Our attention should lead us to plan the Christmas season in another way, but if this were difficult to imagine, there are tables at the European level to look for measures that avoid “the risk of traveling, even between European countries, to spend the holidays”. on the snow, Ironbrush clarified again.
Last update: 12:55