The political reactions begin to rain after, last night – Friday, November 27 -, the Aosta Valley learned that the ordinance of the Minister of Health Speranza makes it stay “Red zone”.
“The persistence of Valle d’Aosta among the red zones – writes in a note the League – will have youn devastating effect on the lives of our citizens and our economy. We do not know what will become of the winter season that was about to begin ”.
League that also points to the political knot of history: “An argument, that of the winter season, that divide the current majority and that he sees on the one hand those who ask to open and on the other the Secretary of the Democratic Party who, through the press, makes known thatThe Valle d’Aosta PD is perfectly aligned with the national PD and therefore in favor of stopping skiing. Therefore, it is natural to ask if the councilor for Tourism shares the words of his secretary or if he is in line with his colleagues from the council ”.

Not only that: “What last night is not that either another very serious institutional bad education made to the Lavevaz government by a government that should be a ‘friend’, since it is formed by the same majority as that of Valle d’Aosta. But last night is also a great lack of respect for our autonomy. Autonomy ridiculed by those who govern today in Rome and considered a feudal privilege that, according to many exponents of the national government, would no longer have a reason to exist ”, adds the Carroccio.
Not blameless Erik lavevaz “Because – adds the League -, while all the other Governors of the red areas worked hard to make their Region ‘change color’, our President waited in vain for a phone call from Rome”.
“The people of Valle d’Aosta need for clarity and to know the real reasons which led to the establishment of the red zone – the note closes -. The reasons why, despite a resolution passed unanimously in the classroom, the Government was committed to reporting the data that led to the zoning to the 5th Committee are still unknown. However, the people of Valle d’Aosta also need a government that does not continually put its feet on its head of a supposedly friendly government. Instead of asking for ‘clear answers’ through a tweet, dear President Lavevaz, it would be enough to ask the left-wing members of your own majority ”.
Forza Italia: “Inconsistency of Valdostan in Rome”

He’s also taking a stand Forza Italy Aosta Valley, in the words of the coordinator Emily Rini: “The permanence of Valle d’Aosta in the red zone actually hides the much more serious inconsistency of the Aosta Valley in Rome, summed up, on the other hand, by the eloquent attitude of President Lavevaz, who spent the whole day today, by his own admission, ‘waiting for news from Rome’ “.
Blue coordinator talking about “A an attitude diametrically opposed to that promoted by the governors of the neighboring Regions with us, his friend Alberto Cirio for Piedmont and Attilio Fontana for Lombardy, who have been dictating their agenda to the Government for days. And in the end they were right, given that their respective territories, despite having a Rt index higher than ours, as in the case of Lombardy, managed to go back to the orange zone ”.
“President Lavevaz -asks Rini-, why not start asking these long-awaited ‘clear answers’ to your colleagues on the council, which are an expression of the majority of the government that you yourself support in Rome?”
Brothers of Italy: Lavevaz explains to traders that they will have to keep the blinds closed

“Now We need to know all the reasons for our stay in the red zone. – writes Fratelli d’Italia Valle d’Aosta instead -. If one of the reasons is the persistent occupancy of the Parini Hospital which is above the guard threshold, Lavevaz and his companions will have to explain because they did not act immediately through the Covid hotels with the hoteliers we know they have been available for months ”.
Lavevaz is in the crosshairs of the party led by Alberto Zucchi: “the president of the Region will go and explain to all the merchants that they will have to leave the blinds closed.”