Yara Nardi / Reuters
An improved yellow zone. We could thus summarize the government’s idea of what will happen as of December 3, the date on which Giuseppe Conte will be called to sign a new dpcm to replace the current one that expires next week. Infections are slowing down and the Rt index is approaching 1, a threshold that colors the event horizon with optimism. “But it would be a mistake to give a runaway danger signal,” Giuseppe Conte continues to repeat to his interlocutors, aware of what happened last summer and aware that the slightest misstep is enough to allow the curve to rise again. That is why we do not want to communicate the idea of relaxation, the basic point of all the arguments made at the summit of the river that saw the prime minister closed at the Palazzo Chigi with the heads of delegation from 11 in the morning until the afternoon.
In the schools the confrontation was heated. In the end, Roberto Speranza and Dario Franceschini won, convinced that a reopening before the holidays would have been absolutely counterproductive for the spread of the virus. The tough opposition from Teresa Bellanova and Alfonso Bonafede, who on behalf of Italia viva and Movimento 5 stelle have supported the need for a return to classes, at least symbolic, has not been enough. The intervention of Silvio Brusaferro and Franco Locatelli, who at lunchtime approached the Prime Minister and the ministers to illustrate the results of the weekly monitoring, but above all the opinion of the Presidents of the Regions, compact with very few exceptions when asking that the Schools remain closed at least until the Befana. The proposal of Paola De Micheli was rejected, who to remedy the possible reopening and the consequent overload of local public transport has proposed to disseminate the lessons also on Saturdays and Sundays.
The gang system will continue, but if, on the one hand, a gradual return of all territories to the yellow band is expected, the executive is studying a series of measures to strengthen those already planned and which should be reiterated. In addition to school closings, mobility between regions should also be avoided. Franceschini and Speranza insist on this point, but they have yet to convince Conte that he would be perplexed by such a drastic measure, which would renounce travel for necessity, work and urgency, in addition to those of reunification with close relatives, partners and partners.
Just as it is news at this time, the prime minister would not at all oppose an ad hoc measure to extend the curfew (which should be confirmed at 22) by at least one or two hours on Christmas night, which is he is currently arguing with the CEI about the midnight liturgical functions.
On the table of the very long discussion also the subject of refreshments and the recovery fund, on which a true tug of war is taking place. The prime minister, as he publicly announced, would like to maintain the control room in Palazzo Chigi, a hypothesis opposed by the Democratic Party, which believes that the Ministry of Economy is the place in charge of coordinating the projects of the recovery plan.
It is difficult to find a drop point, while the tragicomic game of the health commissioner in Calabria has been unlocked. Early in the morning, Conte had basically said no thanks to Agostino Miozzo, the coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee whose conditions laid down for accepting the position had not convinced the prime minister, not without the surprise of the ministers involved. However, a solution was quickly found in the name of Prefect Guido Luongo, whom the Democratic Party nonetheless would like to support an expert team on health issues. Barring surprises, the matter should be closed, while the fate of Christmas will have to wait until the first days of next week to be sure.