1 minute, 29 seconds

START OF DECEMBER WITH COLD AND SNOW – In our trends for the month of December we talk about one more dynamic situation compared to November and according to the latest data it seems that it has to go, at least in the first phase. The new month will start with a pulse of cold air from Scandinavia that could slip into the Mediterranean entering Italy through the door of the Bora with the complicity of a partial anticyclonic blockade in Western Europe.
BAD WEATHER, COLD AND SNOW IS COMING: if the trajectory of the robbery will maintain the position proposed by the mathematical models, the cold stream I should enter Italy Tuesday in the afternoon affecting more directly the northern regions where the thermal drop would favor first low snowfall of the season in the evening between Tuesday and Wednesday and by Wednesday. The diffusion of cold air in the Tyrrhenian area would encourage the formation of a low pressure that would draw the currents from the south and announce bad weather in central and southern Italy with showers, thunderstorms me strong cyclonic winds. The Name it would fall over the Apennines from the low altitudes of the Emilian to the high altitudes of the southern central Apennines. Temperatures would drop dramatically in the north and part of the center, while the decrease in the south would be more relative, almost absent in the extreme south where a partial increase could also be achieved due to Siroccal currents.
This winter advance could be followed by a new and more important cold lunge, but this time by Greenland in the second part of the week. The consequences of this second incursion are not yet very clear and will be discussed in subsequent updates. Always follow us because the situation will be constantly monitored.
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