Ipsos poll, approval of Prime Minister Conte falls. FdI exceeds the M5S- Corriere.it


The second wave of Covid reported the divisions in the country, having (provisionally?) shelved the season of concord that characterized last spring. Despite widespread concern about the health situation, opinions are divided on the danger of the virus compared to the first phase: 45% consider it less aggressive while 46% think it is no different. The feeling of intolerance among the former and of fatigue among the latter intensifies. Not even the prospect of the vaccine being available soon favors the improvement of the social climate: in fact, only one in three Italians intends to get vaccinated As soon as possible, one in six declares themselves against the vaccine and the relative majority (41%) are cautious and prefer to wait to know the efficacy and the risks associated with possible side effects. Furthermore, pessimism about economic situation of the country: 61% expect a worsening, while two months ago the pessimists were 42%.

In light of this scenario It’s no wonder that November approval ratings for the work of the government and President Conte which today stand at 52 (-2 points) and 55 (-3 points) respectively, which is the lowest level since the pandemic began. Compared to the month of September, the decrease is 10 points and is greater mainly in relation to the political orientation and the sectors that experience greater economic difficulties or other types of inconveniences. Indeed, Among Lega voters, the drop was 24 points and 21 among the rest of center-right voters. Among the professional categories are those who have a fixed-term or occasional job (-30), but also public sector employees (-22), who called a strike on December 9, teachers (-16) struggling with the complexities of distance learning, I Merchants, artisans and self-employed (-15), particularly penalized by restrictive measures, partly mitigated by the “Ristori” decrees.

The satisfaction ranking of the leaders of the main political forces and of the heads of delegation marks the overtaking of Giorgia Meloni (36) over Speranza (35). In third place is Salvini (33), 2 points up, then Zingaretti (stable at 29), Franceschini (27), 2 points down, Di Maio and Berlusconi paired with 25.

Regarding voting intentions, the League is confirmed by first place with 25.5% and results in an increase of 1%. To follow the Pd with 20.6%, at the levels of late October, then Brothers from Italy (15.5%) which, although it fell by 0.4%, exceeded the M5S (15%, 0.9% less). Go Italy it falls to fifth place with 8%, but does not seem to benefit from President Berlusconi’s opening to dialogue with the majority. Three other political forces, highlighting the increase in Italian left / Leu which stands at 3.2%, followed by Action (3%), Alive italy (2.8%), Green europe (2%) e + Europe (1.9%). L’area abstention and indecision rises to 41%.

Based on this data, the three center-right parties obtain 49% of the preferences (+ 0.7% compared to October), those of the left and center-left 33.5% and the four forces that support the majority reach 41 , 6%.

We are probably going through the most complex and delicate phase of this troubled year: the social tensions feelings of pessimism and uncertainty are evident and prevail. And, according to the Italians, the situation is destined to last a long time: only 13% are convinced that we will come out of the emergency by next spring, 47% between summer and autumn and 27% fear even longer times. In conclusion, “he will spend the nightLike the great Eduardo De Filippo in comedy “Millionaire of Naples” made the doctor say, at a time when doctors, virologists, and scientists were far from the center of media attention and its side effects.

November 28, 2020 (change November 28, 2020 | 09:04)

