what changes tomorrow in Lombardy, Piedmont and other regions


After having proposed the change to the Presidents of the Region only on December 4, the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza yesterday signed an order to order the orange zone for the regions of Calabria, Lombardy and Piedmont and the yellow zone for the regions of Liguria and Sicily starting tomorrow, Sunday, November 29. What changes from the red zone to the orange zone and from the orange zone to the yellow zone?

Orange zone: which will change from tomorrow in Lombardy, Piedmont and other regions

First of all, it is good to remember that due to Speranza’s decisions as of tomorrow in the red zone remain Valle d’Aosta, the province of Bolzano, Tuscany, Abruzzo and Campania, while in the orange zone today are Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche, Umbria, Basilicata, Lombardy, Calabria and Piedmont and in the yellow zone Veneto, the autonomous province of Trento, Lazio, Molise and Sardinia, as well as Liguria and Sicily. The decision comes after the latest report from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Ministry of Health certified a virus transmissibility index (that is, the RT parameter) just above the safety threshold of 1 (1.08), but with values ​​around 1.25 in most regions (the data refer to the week 4-17 of November). In detail, the transition from the red to the orange zone affects freedom of movement above all:

  • travel: it will be possible to travel freely and without self-certification within the limits of the municipality itself (but the red zone also had some exceptions, such as shopping); the curfew remains in effect from 10 pm to 5 am;
  • the prohibition of moving outside the municipality and the region remains in force, except for work, health, necessity and urgency reasons;
  • it is still possible to visit a non-self-sufficient relative or friend without time limits;
  • minors are still allowed to be reunited with the other parent or caregiver or to be transferred home, even between municipalities in different areas;
  • bars and restaurants have restrictions and take away food is allowed, but are closed to the public (but there are no canteens and catering);
  • shops of all other types, including shopping centers, may open, but the latter are closed on public holidays and the eve of public holidays;

As for schools, the main change is the return of second and third grade students to the classroom; teaching remains present for primary schools and kindergartens; DaD is valid for both high schools and colleges, in addition to freshman activities and labs; The capacity reduction up to 50% for public transport is also confirmed, with the exception of school transport. Leisure activities (theaters, cinemas, gyms, swimming pools) are still prohibited while there is a yes to sports centers and competitions.

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Yellow zone: what changes tomorrow in Liguria and Sicily

However, the president of the Piedmont Region Alberto Cirio reveals in an interview with La Stampa that things do not change for the Piedmont school: “Although the passage in the orange zone would have allowed us to send secondary school children from back to class, afterwards In front of epidemiologists and experts from the regional working group, I decided to wait and also extend their distance learning hours “. With the transition from the orange to the yellow zone on Sunday, Liguria and Sicily will have:

  • freedom of movement from the municipality and region itself;
  • reopening of bars and restaurants until 6:00 pm; take out and home delivery are always allowed;
  • theaters, cinemas, swimming pools, gyms, game rooms, museums and exhibitions remain closed, as well as shopping centers on holidays and the eve of holidays;
  • no changes in school and transportation compared to the orange zone.

For another week, meanwhile, Campania and Tuscany will remain in the red zone, while Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marche will be in the orange zone. As for the rest of Italy, the tricolor system is still in force. On the other hand, at the curfew at 22, as Ansa recalls, Minister Francesco Boccia, who yesterday spoke of the “Baby Jesus who can be born even two hours earlier” on December 24, reiterates to the Regions, also heard today , which remains to protect the health system. It remains to be seen whether Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will push for a softer solution on the “everyone at home” schedule on key days. Among the thorniest points of the decree of the new Prime Minister, without a doubt, the reopening of the schools, which the Minister of Education Lucía Azzolina would like in December and which instead seems destined to take place only after the Befana. Distance learning and back to school after January 6 for high schools is the request of most regions. The issue of the snow holidays seems to be closed – it won’t be discussed until after the Christmas holidays, during which the elevators will remain closed. The Regions continue to press for soft drinks for the sector that the government has promised and for the closure of borders with the countries that should receive Italian tourists, as Switzerland is already doing.
