“Mine is an act of love”


Calabria, Miozzo's name as health commissioner is also skipped

The prefect Guido Nicolò Longo Sara the new health commissioner in Calabria. The meeting of the Council of Ministers was a lightning bolt, which lasted only the moment of appointment. «The new health commissioner of Calabria is the prefect Guido Longo. A man of the institutions, who has already worked in Calabria, always in defense of legality. Prime Minister writes on Twitter Giuseppe Conte. «I accepted to be Commissioner of Health as an act of love for Calabria, which is the region where I trained professionally as a policeman. Mine is also an institutional duty towards the Government, which has chosen me and for which I am grateful. This was stated by Guido Longo, appointed tonight by the Commissioner of the Council of Ministers for the recovery plan for the health deficit in Calabria.

The new Commissioner Longo, as stated in the CDM resolution, will be in charge of «the priority task of implementing the 2019-2021 operational programs for the continuation of the repayment plan as well as all the necessary interventions to guarantee, uniformly throughout the region, the provision of essential levels of assistance in conditions of efficiency, adequacy, safety and quality, within the terms indicated by the Technical Review Tables, including the implementation of Decree Law November 10, 2020 n. 150».

«In the framework of current legislation, they have the Commissioner ad acta» various interventions and among these «the adoption of all the necessary initiatives to return the level of provision of the essential levels of assistance to the reference standards, in particular with regard to adherence to cancer screening, territorial assistance and the quality and safety of hospital care» just like him «Finalization and implementation of the reorganization plan for the hospital network, the emergency-urgency network and the time-dependent networks, in line with the healthcare needs.» and the «definition and implementation of specialized clinical networks». Among the interventions also «Follow-up of the procedures for the construction of New Hospitals in accordance with current legislation and regional health planning.», the «definition of spending caps and consequent contracts with accredited private providers for the purchase of health services in line with healthcare needs, with activation, in the event of non-stipulation of the contract and redefinition of the rates of health services, in compliance with the requirements by current legislation».

After another name blinked and then faded, that of Agostino Miozzo, this time it certainly seems to be the name of Prefect Longo. The will be the new health commissioner in Calabria.

Miozzo, coordinator of the Technical-Scientific Committee, Guido Bertolaso’s former right-hand man in the years he was in charge of Civil Protection, with a solid experience in emergencies, had set three conditions for the executive to be able to work. Conditions considered too binding by Palazzo Chigi.

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From what has been learned from majority sources, Miozzo would have asked the prime minister Giuseppe Conte that he could be invested with the office with powers of repeal, but his condition would have been considered inadmissible.

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Ira Fdi

«After the collection of the ‘Dpcm di Conte’ comes the collection of the ‘quasi-Commissario alla Sanita’ of Calabria: Cotticelli, Zuccatelli, Varratta, Gaudio, Strada, Mostarda and now Miozzo. The telenovela is enriched today with another shameful episode. Conte and Speranza cannot pay the price and are once again the Calabrians whose situation, instead, would demand punctuality, professionalism and competence. Attributes that this government of ‘figurines’ does not have and can never have». This is Wanda Ferro, Calabrian deputy of the Brothers of Italy.

Last updated: 19:43

