New ordinance: Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria in orange, Sicily and Liguria in yellow. Problem: “Rt dropping, but stay home as much as possible”


Ends on Red zone in Lombardy, but also in Piedmont me Calabria. The minister Roberto Speranza will sign a new ordinance that will enter into force as of Sunday November 29: the three regions will become orange zones, while Sicily me Liguria will change to yellow. Therefore, they remain in the red zone. Abruzzo, Campania me Aosta Valley, Also Tuscany me Bolzano Province, that should be “degraded“In a week. Similarly, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche, Puglia and Umbria remain in the intermediate risk range.” The serious behavior of the Lombards in recent weeks has made it possible for Lombardy to enter the zone today orange “, commented the president of the Region. Attilio fontana, at a press conference. “But we must not lower our guard – he added – we must absolutely bear in mind that we are in a situation in which the virus exists and continues to be.” dangerous“.

These are the decisions made by the government and experts based on the new Weekly tracking Iss. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte had announced “news” in regions colors, based on a decrease inNational route. In fact, the data from the institute’s report illustrate an improving situation: the index is down to 1.08 in the period from November 4 to 17, which demonstrates the fact that measurements adopted by the executive are working. And other positive signs come from data from today: 28 thousand new cases, hospitalizations down for the fourth day in a row. “However, the incidence remains too tall“However, the ISS warns, underlining that 10 Regions stay “high risk“. This is Abruzzo, Calabria (not evaluable), Campania, Emilia, Friuli, Lombardy, Bolzano, Puglia, Sardinia and Tuscany, while the rest are at moderate risk, including 7 with a high probability of progressing to high risk in the next month. Those hospitalized decrease, but there are still 33,684 people hospitalized with symptoms and 3,782 patients assisted in intensive care. Without forgetting that even today they are there 827 dead. Therefore, “the need to maintain the drastic reduction of physical interactions between the people. It is essential that the population avoid all opportunities for contact with people outside their own. housing core that are not strictly necessary and stay home as much as you canRead the Institute report.

Hospital situation still critical –For the first time for several weeks, “the experts write,” the incidence calculated in the last 14 days has decreased at the national level. These data are encouraging and report the impact of Mitigation measures carried out in recent weeks. “However, at the same time,” this trend should not lead to a premature relaxation of the measures, “warns the institute,” or a decrease in attention to behaviors“. The reason is that the situation in hospitals stay complex. “As of November 24, 17 regions had passed at least one critical threshold in the medical area or Intensive careRead the draft report. Only in 5 regions do not register a overload beyond the critical threshold of 30% of Covid beds occupied during intensive therapy: is about Basilicata, Calabria, Molise, Sicily me Veneto. In 7 regions, the monitoring project highlights, there is no overload beyond the critical threshold of 40% for Covid beds occupied in medical area: Basilicata, Molise, PA Bolzano, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany and Veneto. If heRt index they went to keep constant, however, “almost all regions have the opportunity greater than 50% to overcome at least one of these thresholds within the next month. The number of people admitted to intensive care went from 3,612 (11/17) to 3,816 (11/24/2020), while the number of people hospitalized in medical areas went from 33,074 (11/17) to 34,577 (11/24/2020) “.

Governors Reactions: The new ordinance check the risk bands of some of the Regions that were the first to be subjected to the squeeze: only the Val d’Aosta (which remains red) and the Apulia (still orange). With the passage of Lombardy region in the orange zone “stores will reopen, high school It will be carried out in the presence and within the Municipality, it will be possible to circulate freely no self certification“, Stresses President Fontana. Middle schools will reopen Monday in attendance for second and third grade as well. Similarly, the acting president of the Calabria region speaks of “a reward for the behavior of the Calabrians”, Nino Spirlì. “Continuous dialogue with the central government and mutual availability to cooperation – he adds – they have made this little institutional miracle it could happen. “The President of Liguria is also celebrating, Giovanni toti: “Excellent news especially for economic categories more penalized: our bars will be able to reopen and our restaurants will be able to do it too, for lunch ”. “The guard stays very high but today we breathe a sigh of relief and allow ourselves a smileToti adds.

Measurements for Christmas – On December 4, the new dpcm, theme of the meeting between the prime minister and the heads of government delegation that took place today at Palazzo Chigi. One of the hot topics is the curfew during Christmas holidays. Among the majority, there are those who are pressing to advance it to 9:00 p.m., others to postpone it in such a way that it allows a greater recovery in consumption. The Undersecretary of Health, Sandra Zampa, says that “will stay the time of 22Although he reiterates that the “discussion is under way.” Now it remains to untie the other knot, that is, movement between regions. On this Zampa is less assertive: “I think it will be advisable not to move.” The hypothesis, therefore, is that it will be possible to move within the national territory, but only between Yellow Regions. “At this time there are still no clear indications, I still hope it is for the families allowed to meet“he added.

The other Regions – Meanwhile, theSouth tyrol reaffirmed the decision announced a few days ago: as of Monday the total lock Introduced in early November to curb out of control infections. This means it will resume face-to-face teaching in high school, you can go from hairdresser or in the barbershop and they will reopen all stores. The province, however, will remain in the red zone until December 4, then aims to turn orange. Also, the Tuscany points to next week: “As of Friday, December 4, the Region will be able to return to the orange zone,” he announces Eugenio Giani. Also aim for the green light Stefano bonaccini for his Emilia Romagna, assuming meanwhile for this Sunday the reopening of stores (until now closed on weekends by regional ordinance).
