Florence, November 27, 2020 – The Governor of Tuscany Eugenio Giani anticipate me data Today, Friday, November 27: “The new positive cases registered in the last 24 hours in Tuscany are 1,117 in 15,081 molecular swabs and 3,263 rapid tests performed ”. This was announced in a post on his Facebook page.
Meanwhile, these are decisive days for the future of Tuscany in the fight against the pandemic of COVID-19. The infection data continue the positive trend of the last days and the Orange for the region that is now in the red zone, the one with the most restrictions. President Eugenio Giani Monday he will write to Minister Speranza to ask him to return to the orange zone. “We have certified data in the Rt index which is at 1.2, we are far from 1.8 which led us to the red zone,” said Giani. For the president with this tendency “we can ask to go to the yellow zone before Christmas.”
Meanwhile, in the Covid newsletter of November 26, there are 1,351 new positives in Covid in Tuscany but with many more buffers; hospitalizations are decreasing, many are cured.
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Giani anticipates the data for November 27
“The new positive cases registered in the last 24 hours in Tuscany are 1,117 out of 15,081 molecular swabs and 3,263 rapid tests performed.” This was announced in a post on Facebook by the president of the Tuscany Region, Eugenio Giani, anticipating the data in the daily bulletin on the Coronavirus emergency. In the post he publishes a photo of health workers in an intensive care unit and writes: “We continue to respect the rules, we do not cancel the hard work done by Fabiana in intensive care in San Giuseppe di Empoli and by all women and men of health “.
Giani: “The region has reached data that can make us ask for the orange zone”
Last night Giani during a Facebook live broadcast said: “The region has reached data that can make us ask about the orange zone and the yellow zone before Christmas. Today’s results (yesterday, November 26, ed) lead us to say that there are 1,300 positives in the last 24 hours, mid-late October and early November. By the weekend we will reach around 7000-8000 infected. Our Rt is 1.2, another figure that leads us to think of something positive in addition to 97 Municipalities without contagions in the last 24. There is only one sad fact, the dead: 67. There are many ”.
Go back up theincidence of positives in swabs done (Rpt).
Unfortunately, the number of deaths remains high. In total, 2,378 patients have died since the beginning of the epidemic, of which more than half, 1,213, in less than two months from October 1 (when there were 1,165) to November 25. And the Ars with Fabio Voller, coordinator of the epidemiology observatory of the Regional Health Agency, warns: “The number of deaths will continue to be high for days because it reflects the number of cases experienced up to 20 days before.” For this, Voller emphasizes, “we will still have other days in which, despite a possible and continuous decline in cases, we will continue to have a high number of deaths.”
Giani: “Tuscany will have 106 thousand vaccines in 12 hospitals”
The President of the Region: “Yesterday I sent Commissioner Arcuri a letter for the vaccination plan of the Tuscany Region. We have identified 12 hospitals. We will have compared with the 1.7 million that the State has bought, 106 thousand that will be distributed in these 12 hospitals. ” , where we will put the refrigerators capable of keeping the vaccine at -80 degrees for at least six months ”.
Bezzini: “We are 99% of the follow-up”
The Regional Minister of Health: “Monitoring plays a fundamental role in the strategy we have put in place to combat the virus and is decisive in breaking the chains of contagion.” HERE THE ARTICLE
Beatrice, the girl who defeated the covid
Cecina, the first pink ribbon from the Covid department. Elba’s 19-year-old mother, positive and assisted by the special unit, is doing well. HERE THE ARTICLE
Events and ceremonies, the crisis in the sector. “Help or we risk failure”
Prato, Confcommercio sounds the alarm: “We need concrete interventions soon.” The crisis affects all economic segments that make up the supply chain. HERE THE ARTICLE
Viareggio, the merchants: “If they don’t give us back the yellow zone, it’s the end”
Politics argue, but without the movements between municipalities and the return of foreigners, the commerce of Viareggio and Versilia will remain in play. HERE THE ARTICLE
Tax strike, Confcommercio: ‘Stop Irpef, IRES and IRAP payments on November 30’
Anna Lapini, President of Confcommercio Toscana and promoter of the tax protest action: “We need the cancellation of taxes for this annus horribilis.” HERE THE ARTICLE
Ars: ‘The death toll will remain high for days’
The number of deaths in Tuscany, 67 those registered in the bulletin released today by the Region, it will remain high for days. To explain it is Fabio Voller, coordinator of the Agency’s epidemiology observatory regional health care. “The number of deaths – he explains – reflects the number of cases that have been experienced up to 20 days before”. HERE THE ARTICLE
Tuscany, the medical guard remains even at night
The region’s ordinance, the subject of numerous controversies, provided for telephone counseling from 24 to 8 to free doctors who would be used for the Covid emergency. HERE THE ARTICLE
The Mayor of Florence: “Cautious optimism but let’s not lower our guard”
The data on contagions in the Florentine metropolitan area today allow us to be cautiously optimistic, but be careful, we must not lower our guard: if we have reached this point it is because we have been rigorous and attentive and we must thank the ASL Toscana Centro, the Careggi Hospital Company and the University of Firene for the great effort in terms of human and organizational resources. ” This is what the mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, said at the end of the second meeting of the Permanent Conference on Health in the Florentine area.
Tuscany offers the Prato Interport as a national logistics center to classify the anti-Covid vaccine
Giani: “I sent a letter to Commissioner Arcuri giving the availability for Tuscany have a a place that can serve all of Italy as a logistics center ”, say classification of the Covid vaccine, and this “can happen at the Prato Interport: it is next to the motorway, it is next to the railway circuit that takes you quickly from one side to the other.” HERE THE ARTICLE
“Having three large local health authorities helped us deal with the situation”
President Giani in the Regional Council: “The fact that we have 3 large Asl has made us face the pandemic well. This has allowed the general manager to operate with flexibility. This is an element that has shown a positive implication in the organization of the 3 Asl Regarding the reabsorption of Covid patients in the territory, which today number more than two thousand, it will be important to free up especially small hospitals, because there is no doubt that the presence of a Covid and an ordinary ward greatly complicates the work of the doctors ”.
Giani: “In the next few days we will ask to return to the orange zone”
The President of the Region: “In the last two or three days we have data from the yellow zone.” HERE THE ARTICLE
Bus, tutor arrives at school stops to avoid crowds.
The project beloved by the Tuscany Region ‘I accompany you’ is born HERE THE ARTICLE
Eleonora’s story: “I, an artisan forced to close without the right to 1 euro”
The paradoxical situation of his small laboratory Eleolab, symbol of a category: “You enter one by one, without the possibility of gatherings. But the state forces us to close without recognizing any support ”. And launch an appeal on social media. HERE THE ARTICLE
Prato nurses print their faces on their overalls
the photos of the faces of the nurses in the hospital of Prato They have reappeared in their coats and jumpsuits, which are worn every day to protect themselves from contagion. As in the first wave of last spring, therefore, many of the health workers at the Santo Stefano di Prato hospital carry an impression of the photo of their face: the need to make patients feel their closeness has been transformed into the will of the operators shows your face, always hidden by the security devices. Visors, masks, protective goggles, which obviously bother those who are already sick in a psychologically difficult condition. WHO THE ARTICLEOR
12-year-old boy in resuscitation. Saved at the Meyer hospital in Florence
A child 12 he risked his life for him complications caused by coronavirus infection but he was saved thanks to the work of a multidisciplinary team from the pediatric hospital Meyer from Florence. Now, after fourteen days in intensive care and a hospital stay in the pediatric ward, the little patient was able to return home, finally cured. It is the first time, since the beginning of the Covid epidemiological emergency, that Meyer’s health personnel have faced a case of this severity: generally, in fact, the virus affects children and adolescents less. HERE THE ARTICLE
Killed by Covid at 47 like his father a few days ago
Covid has hit the Rozza di Massarosa family, originally from Nola in Campania, hard. Yesterday Carmine, 47, died: last week the virus killed his father Felice, 70, and another relative is hospitalized in serious condition, while a young family room is positive but at home. Carmine Rozza worked as a coach at the Magic Games in Bicchio. He had been hospitalized for 16 days in intensive care-resuscitation and, although he did not suffer from chronic diseases that aggravate the clinical picture of those infected by Coronavirus, he did not react to the shock therapies tried at the Versilia Hospital and yesterday his physical surrendered. . HERE THE ARTICLE
“Even with the clubs closed, the Coronavirus circulates the same”
The disc jockey got sick a month ago: “It’s a fight, I was terrible and it will still be long. Swabs.” HERE THE ARTICLE
Giani: “When the vaccine arrives we will be ready to store and distribute it”
The President of the Tuscany Region: “In Tuscany we have freezer companies” HERE THE ARTICLE
The Mayor of Florence: “The trend is improving, but let’s not lower our guard”
“We don’t make the same mistakes at Christmas as we do this summer.” HERE THE ARTICLE
Ars: “Tracking data confirms the red zone”
Despite the decline incontagion rate Rt, which goes from 1.8 (week 2-8 November) to 1.34 (week 9-15 November), Tuscany does not confirm red zone for critical issues related to pressure on the healthcare system, monitoring capacity and the percentage of positives in swabs performed. This is what came out of thelatest report published by the regional health agency (Ars). HERE THE ARTICLE
In Tuscany, new ordinances for waste management in Rsa and households
Two new ordinances signed by the president of Tuscany, Eugenio Giani, to regulate the issue of waste in terms of containment and management of the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19. The first signed today, number 113, is dedicated to waste management by those responsible for the service and plant of the territorial residential social and health structures, where there are guests who tested positive for Covid-19 in mandatory isolation. HERE THE ARTICLE
A layoff fund arrives for 20 thousand artisans in Tuscany
For the months of July, August, September and a good part of October. The CISL: “Accepted our requests, but now simplify the procedures.” HERE THE ARTICLE
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