Clamorous government indiscretions: Lombardy and Piedmont turn “oranges” but Calabria without a commissioner is still a “red zone”


26 November 2020 16:45

From some indiscretions it seems that Calabria will continue to be in the “red zone”

Precisely in these minutes, a meeting is being held in Palazzo Chigi between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the heads of delegation of the parties in power on the measures that will be included in the new Dpcm that must enter into force as of next December 3. From some rumors that will be confirmed by the Health Ministry report on Friday, it would appear that the Calabria will remain “Red zone” While Lombardy me Piedmont become “orangeThis makes it clear that the Government continues to offend Calabria by not appointing the new health commissioner after the catwalks of recent weeks and leaving the Region in the “red zone” in the face of epidemiological and hospital indicators much less serious than those of the Piedmont. And Lombardy.

On the other hand, the situation of Sicily and Puglia is uncertain at the moment, and at this moment they are classified as “orange areas” and there are fears that Sicily may move into the “red zone”.
